Asgardians of the Galaxy (Thor Red & Silver)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Silver Thor 54 39 6 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

The_Wall · 127

(Inspired by Silver Thor by KingOfRohan)

This deck is designed for multiplayer. If using for solo play, remove the 2x Get Over Here! and replace with 2x Assess the Situation. The card draw (delayed 2 for 1) is more important than the damage or resource.

This deck leans heavily into the silver Thor themes (using mostly basic cards and insane resource generation), whilst taking just the very best of the red cards. It plays similarly to a highlander deck (one copy of each card) thanks to having 31 different cards in a 40-card deck! However it does have a cohesive game plan of building up and having progressively splashier and splashier turns, until you are able to play two Hammer Throw in a turn.

Bug, Combat Training, and Godslayer all buff Thor's attack, strengthening the basic attack theme of using Mjolnir. Godslayer specifically might be his new best restricted card option; it is much easier to for him use than Jarnbjorn and inflicts respectable damage throughout the game.

Thor's "Have at thee!" ability can be triggered once per phase, so Angela or Get Over Here! can be used for extra card draw in addition to any minions you reveal in the villain phase.

Mjolnir increases the attack of every character named "Thor" so it can be decent to run Thor (Jane Foster) who can threaten 12-15 damage. This is still basically a meme and Nick Fury might just be the stronger card in this slot. Allies all benefit from the resource generation of either The Power in All of Us or Team-Building Exercise so pick your poison.

When even partially set up, it is possible to play Hammer Throw without discarding resources from hand. For example, Deft Focus, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, God of Thunder, and Enhanced Reflexes all reduce or help pay the cost, then Team-Building Exercise puts Mjolnir back into play for another swing.

I have specifically left out Boot Camp from this build because usually we want the allies to deal with threat rather than damage, even if it is just one or two points at a time. Likewise Hall of Heroes didn't make the cut because our basic attacks should be hitting the villain most of the time, but it certainly goes in against Ultron or Mutagen Formula (as card #41!).


May 28, 2021 dr00 · 40081

have you tried Looking for Trouble? it seems to be a good replacement for Get Over Here! in solo play especially to get more minions to kill

May 28, 2021 The_Wall · 127

@dr00Yeah I tried Looking for Trouble, but it just ended up being superfluous alongside the more versatile Defender of the Nine Realms. Acceleration counters are really difficult for Thor so he needs to build more quickly than the villain, which sometimes means not having a minion in front of you every turn!

Thor now more than pulls his weight in multiplayer but there is certainly still a cap to his solo performance. I like Assess because it doesn't feel like whiffing a turn and helps maintain tempo in ways other than drawing more things to fight :)