Trash Panda Recycles Man's Best Friend - Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tuark · 127

So the goal is to keep putting out Lockjaw while getting your basic thwart up to 4 with Heroic Intuition and Thruster Boots

Step one: Get an Avengers Mansion out ASAP mulligan hard for this turn one. (I put 3 in the deck to make this a highly likely occurrence).

Step two: get to Lockjaw as quick as you can. Playing him every turn gives you an extra 2 thwart, eventually adding up to 6 thwart a turn.

Step three: play I've Got a Plan whenever possible combined with Civic Duty

Step Four: Get your health total up so you can use Great Responsibility

Step Five: Get out Rocket's tech upgrades when possible to help out with damage.

The large number of double resource cards in the deck makes it easy to get out all the things you need to play.