Star-Lord - Draw 20+ Challenge! - Aggression Allies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tuark · 127

The deck is over 40 cards but don't panic! When you're drawing 8 Plus cards a turn you're gonna want a couple extra!

I've been waiting for a character that feels good using Aggression Allies and Star-Lord is my man!

The Challenge! Can you draw 20 or more cards in one turn?

If you can combine all the following into a single turn your max potential card draw is 21:

The no brainer card draw: Avengers Mansion, Knowhere, Daring Escape, and Star-Lords's Helmet are going to give you sustainable card draw.

The 5 card draw combo: Have Hall of Heroes loaded up then use Bad Boy. That's FIVE extra cards! Plus NO DAMAGE!

The Nick Fury Combo: Use Star-Lord's ability to play Nick Fury for one resource to draw 3 cards.

Other combos that help with damage and thwarting: (These could be swapped out for cards like Ironheart and Assess the Situation to give a higher chance at getting to a 20 card draw)

The great thing about this deck is with Boot Camp and Leader of the Guardians all your allies are +1 to both attack and thwart. So if you need to help with threat you can.

Dropping an Enraged on just about any of these allies is going to give you good results BUT dropping it on Brawn or Sentry and getting three swings out of it is very strong.

You might even be able to get Tigra and Bug into play and keep them there for some really good sustainable damage. Daring Escape will help keep Bug alive on those turns where you end up exhausted.


Nov 06, 2021 99neil99 · 22

This is really intriguing. I'll have to give it a try :)