Doctor Strange - Disgustingly Broken

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Doctor Strange - ETB version 0 0 0 1.0
Doctor Strange - Disgustingly Broken 0 0 0 2.0

Spliff · 629

How do you make the most broken Hero using the best Aspect even more broken? Enter the Enter the Battle Field Effects (ETB effects).

A phrase familiar to Magic The Gathering players, ETB is something that happens when you play a creature with an effect that actives when it comes into play.

This deck has a heavy focus with Allies that have effects when they are played, with some extra spice added.

Heavily built off the cards from the War Machine pack, you “cheat” in Heroes that have the most impact when only available for one turn.

The key card here is Sneak Attack that allows Dr. Strange to play Allies for one cost. They are discarded at the end of the turn, so make them worth it.

Heroes like Captain Marvel, Falcon, White Tiger, Kaluu and Black Panther have great effects when played.

Or you can play Giant-Man or Goliath with huge ATK values.

Since they go down at the end of the turn you can use Command Team to squeeze extra activations out of them, and/or Go Down Swinging to deal even more damage.

Summoning Spell can also grab one of your heavy hitters with the bonus of them hanging around.

No sneak attack? Play Make the Call to get an Ally back from your discard. Don’t forget all the broken stuff that Dr. Strange already does.

Rounding out the deck is Quincarrier for extra resources. The Sorcerer Supreme nets you an extra card. Spiritual Meditation ensures you have the cards you want to play.

There’s a lot to explore in the deck, but cool combos include using Spiritual Meditation to draw and drop off a Go Down Swinging. Cheat in Black Panther to get Go Down Swinging back.

Or you can play Kaluu to grab that leadership events you need for a combo, or maybe just a sweet Doctor Strange spell to get rid of thwart.

Two weakness in this deck don’t draw back in its sheer power.

Save the Day is left out limiting your athwart a bit. The cost of 1 limits your card plays, and this weakness is easily overcame by using Dr. Strange’s considerable Hero Thwart cards. Also, many of the Allies pack a good THW value, which can be doubled up with Command Team. Lastly you’ve got 2 built in THW as well.

The other is not having Allies to block. I find that Strange wants to flip enough that you skip a lot of damage that way. Also Wong provides healing as well. Don’t cheat him in with Sneak Attack though. White Tiger and Kaluu Kaluu come in for cheap and can just be played to be used to block.

This deck can be ported easily to other Heroes. Best are Heroes that have no problem with flipping. Resource generation is nice too. Take out the mystic basic cards and swap them for more events. You can add either 3 Last Stand or Save the Day depend on whether your hero has naturally more Attack or Thwart cards.

If your Hero has the SHIELD trait tossed in Nick Fury. If not toss in your favorite last card. Toss in Stinger if your hero is squishy. Maybe just an Assess the Situation or maybe you’ll need a clutch double resource. Add what works for you.