Ultimate Problem Solver

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ms. Marvel- the only thwarting deck you'll ever need. 8 6 4 2.0

picollo · 76


So, we all know that side schemes scale poorly in multiplayer. When you play in 3-4 players, side schemes are much harder to remove. Or are they? This deck was built around card from Valkyrie pack. Problem Solvers. Sadly Valkyrie isn't yet available, so I had to include placeholder instead. So this deck isn't using "Great Responsibility" (honestly barely any deck should use it.). Instead, 3 copies of Great Responsibility should be replaced with 3 copies of Problem Solvers.

Problem Solvers

So what this card does? It costs 4 respources, has new keyword- Aliance, and has effect "exhaust a Guardian character and an Avenger character to remove threat equal to combined THW of these characters from each scheme. Doesn't sound bad, but has really high cost, right? Not necessairly. Due to keyword you can split the cost amongst your allies. And in this case both 4 resources and exhausting characters is considered to be cost. So you as a group can spend 4 resources, and you can exhaust characters any player controls.

Why in Ms. Marvel? Yes, I know she sin't neither guardian nor avenger. But she has two great qualities.

  1. Shrink. As we know from previous rulings, Shrink (and Embiggen) work for each instance of threat removal/ damage dealt. This means that with Shrink you'll remove 2 additional threat from each scheme in game. Which is big on it's own.
  2. Morphogenetics. Yes, Ms. Marvel can return this event to her hand after playing it. This means, that you can guarantee that you'll be able to play it every round when needed.

These two combined already prove that this this combination is match made in heaven. And by looking at this deck you should probably already realise how every part of this deck works. But just in case, I'll example some other decissions.


Blade and Eros. Unless other player dedicates their character to be problem solving slave, you want to keep these two in game forever. Eros is good 2 cost ally with 2 THW and guardian. This is already great. Blade is here mostly for an Avenger trait. Give me any other cheap avenger ally with 2 THW, and he's's out. But for now, he ain't that bad. We do not thwart with them. We do not defend with them. Just pay the cost of the event with them. It's worth it.

Iron Heart and Nick Fury filter your deck. And can be used to block. But they mostly draw cards.

Spider-Man- I like him as an emergency plan. You play him, and remove threat, deal burst damage. But he's mostly filler.


Problem Solvers got it own paragraph, so let's skip it. Clear the area is cheap event that draws a card if removes last threat. With Shrink it's 4 threat for 1 reosurce- very nice, even if you don't draw card. Multitasking is here for it great multiplier power with Shrink. If you pay with a mental resource it's 4 + 4 threat removed. Again amazing effect.

One Way or Another- now this gets spicy. Usually you don't want to play this card in multiplayer- as I mentioned previously, in multiplayer it's way harder to remove side schemes. But we're kinda already assuming that we'll mostly remove threat per scheme, so number of schemes in play won't be that important. And if your team gets the Skilled Investigators, this might actually end with net gain to the team even after playing Problem Solvers.

Other cards

Justice Served is fun little card that has good synergy with Ms. Marvel. Let's you use Morphogenetics additional time. And it triggers from the very same trigger than Ms. Marvel's ability. It leads to fun combos on it's own, but it's not necessairly key in this deck. So it's here because it's in general really efffective in this hero.

Skilled Investigator- Now you usually don't include 3 copies of cards Max. 1 per player. But remember that we want to delegate some Problem Solvers costs amongst team. If you play 3 copies of this, then Problem Solvers might actually cost your team 1 resource (if you clear side scheme, players draw 3 cards). So if you offer your team some benefit from defeating schemes, they'll be more willing to participate in Problem Solving.

How When and Why

You probably realised that this deck is very one-dimensional. We aim to play one event every turn for the most of the game. Yes. This deck is very specialised. But if you can handle threat removal for 4 players (and with this deck you probably can), then your team will have resources to handle your minions, and probably other dangers that can be brought by the encounter deck. Including minions you draw. This deck is mostly proof of concept right now (I'll be testing it in incoming days), but I feel like it's really good in what it aims to do.

It's team game- how your friends can help

Your biggest friend with this deck is probably leadership player. They get some 2 THW avenger allies- if they are willing to dedicate one of them to Problem Solve, then you can stop paying attention to Blade. But better thing you can ask your leadership friend is inspired. Played on Eros (probably the best target) gives you additional 1 threat removed from each scheme each turn. For 1 resource. It's hard to find better deal.


Dec 02, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4444

Well done! I built a Star-Lord solo deck around Problem Solvers, but would have never thought of using Ms. Marvel in a multiplayer deck. That's brilliant! I love how Shrink and Morphogenics work with it.

Dec 02, 2021 picollo · 76

@InigoMontoya Yea, Been working on completely different Ms. Marvel deck, then during looking through my cards I saw Problem Solvers. And it just clicked. I'm really glad that game finally is reaching point where we're seeing more and more cards that can inspire these unique decks.

Dec 03, 2021 bob12345 · 1

I really like this idea!