Ms. Marvel- the only thwarting deck you'll ever need.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Ultimate Problem Solver 4 3 3 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

picollo · 76


So, this is second version of the deck, but first released after Marvelcdb got updated with Valkyrie cards. Title says that this is the only Thwarting deck you'll need, and that's true. This deck is able to handle thwarting in 4 players game alone (or with very minor help with other decks) How it is possible? We got Problem Solvers Link to image as Marvelcdb entry is currently empty With some minor setup, you'll be able to thwart for 5 threat from any number of schemes. Yes. This event removes specific number of therat from each scheme in game. If we add to it Ms. Marvel Morphogenetics, which let's us return this event to hand every single turn, and Shrink which increases threat removed from each source, you're getting insane amount of threat removal. Consistent threat removal- as I said, you can recur Problem Solvers after playing it. But let's go to the card.

Problem Solvers

This event costs 4 resources. Asks you to exhaust an Avenger and a Guardian character as a cost to be able to play this event. This is alot. Or is it? Let me point few things: 1)This card has the Alliance keyword. Which means that you don't have to pay the cost by yourself. You can split the cost amongst the players. And remember that you have two costs here: resource cost, and exhausting characters. Both of these are cost of playing the card, and both can be split. You can exhaust characters, and other players can spend resources. Or other way. Mix and match as needed. If you make this each player pays 1, and I exhaust 2 allies, this is much more affordable. And then you remove threat from each scheme in game. Which means that if you draw 4 side schemes a turn in 4 player game, you'll remove threat from all 4 of them. Plus Main scheme.

Ms. Marvel

You may say that this event is bad choice for Ms. Marvel, as she is the only hero so far being neither Avenger nor Guardian. So you'll have to have 2 more characters in play to use this. Sure, this is con. But let me present pros (mentioned before, but it's worth mentioning). Ms. Marvel Morphogenetics. This is awesome. This adds reliability. You play Problem Solvers, and you return it to your hand. So you can keep it in hand, and play again next turn. You don't need to worry if you'll have it. You will. Every single turn. For the rest of the game. You are reliable thwarter. Not dependant on draw. Once you set this combo up, it will keep going.

Shrink Shrink is another amazing addition. It increases threat removed by 2. And from previous rulings we know that it increases threat removed from each source. So it's 2/scheme threat removed each turn.

I don't feel like any other character can get close to this reliability of Ms. Marvel.


Allies are important in this deck. Especially two Blade and Eros. Again, on surface weird choices. These are cheap, guys, with very little hitpoints. Sure. But they're respectively avenger and guardian, and they're very cheap to setup. Eros is probably most cost efficient ally for this combo (2 reources for 2thw) and Blade is similarly efficient (1 for 1). I'm not looking for abilities, I don't care what they do. You give me 2 thw cheap ally I can put in this deck, I'll probably replace Blade without thinking. But for now he stays here. You play them, and you don't use them. They're your problem solving taskforce. You exhaust them for Problem Solvers only. Combined they have 3 THW, which already makes PS kinda okayish. With Shrink it gets better.

Other Allies are just fillers. Nick Fury and Ironheart draw cards. They help you set up your engine faster. Spider-Man is here for it's burstyness. He can smash things, or work as an emergency button. But he's not super important.


We discussed our MVP, now let's think about rest of the set. Multitasking is great solution for time while you're setting up combo. It's 2+2 threat removal, 4+ 4 with shrink. Again, great multiplier.

In original version, I've had Clear the Area- cheap event drawing cards, but while playtesting, I've realised that it was too much thwarting. You have Sneak By, and Multitasking, and allies that you can use for early thwarting. So I've instead added Turn the Tide we'll be triggering "when side scheme is cleared" basically every turn, so this is free damage.

One Way or Another General consensus is that One Way or Another is better in singleplayer. But it works in this deck. We have included 3x Skilled Investigator. And the thing is, we not necessairly need to play it on ourselves. Play it on all other players. You'll be asking them for help with paying for Problem Solvers. Let them draw cards for it. You'll draw your cards when scheme enters play. Simply because of OWoA.


Justice Served is just nice card in Ms. Marvel. You can use it to trigger morphogenetics another time. It's not crucial by any means, but it's nice to have 1 copy. You can do something like Problem Solvers to clear scheme, play Turn the Tide, exhaust to Morphogenetics it back to hand, justice served to ready, play Turn the Tide again, use morphogenetics second time, return TtT to your hand, and play it 3rd time with same original trigger for total of 9 damage (11 with Embiggen). We're thwarters so this is not the key for our deck, but it gives options.

Skilled Investigator Mentioned before, but Let me repeat again. This deck will bring many side schemes into game, and will defeat many of them. Play Skilled Investigator under other players' control. Let them draw cards. Make them feel that they should contribute in Problem Solvers. Everyone pays, everyone draws cards.

General strategy

This is combo deck, so you'll have to do some setup before you'll start playing combo consistently. But it's fine, you can do some good thwarting even early on. Cards you want to prioritise are ShrinkBladeEros. That's assuming none other player is willing to lend you a slave for the repeated event abuse. So play these allies and shrink whenever possible. Play some economy, and you should be able to start Problem Solving quite soon.

I'd argue that you have to find good moment to play One Way or Another before you set your combo. If you know that there is harmless side scheme, cool, play it. But if you draw one side scheme too much before you're set up, it might cost you the game.

Support from your team

Now, this is deck directed towards multiplayer. And it's going to do some heavylifting in it's niche. But it still should have enough cards so you'll be able to play some allies to defend, or events to deal damage. But this is not your job. You're dedicated thwarter. Your aggression friend probably should help you with handling your minions. But... You should smile to your leadership friend. Ask them if they can find two slots for Inspired maybe 1 slot for Comms Implant? If they do, then you can increase threat removed by 3/scheme per turn. We're reaching 8 threat from each scheme. Most side schemes enters play with 2-3 threat per player, so 8-12 threat in 4 player game. If you can instantly remove 2/player threat from each scheme, then you're good to go, you can definetely solo clear anything the villain will throw on your team.


Dec 16, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4444

I can't wait for people to really understand how powerful these Alliance cards are. Any thought to putting in Cosmic Alliance to help out your teammates after they exhaust for [Problem Solvers](/card/25033?

Dec 16, 2021 picollo · 76

@InigoMontoya I mean, the idea is that you have your allies dedicated to exhaust. Your teammates should not exhaust for Problem Solvers except for rare situations. I don't like Cosmic Alliance in Ms. Marvel- It doesn't benefit you, and it doesn't synergise with your kit (you can't ready yourself, you can't return it to your hand, etc. This is card for completely different deck IMO.

Dec 16, 2021 celric · 441

Are you counting on a teammate exhausting both an avenger and a guardian for Problem Solvers?

With only 1 of each in your deck (for a total of 3 thwart) this seems like a much worse card for your strategy than Lay Down the Law or even For Justice!.

Dec 17, 2021 picollo · 76

@celric No, I'm not counting on teammates. Shrink is card you are missing in equation. Basic idea for this deck is that you can play Blade and Eros anytime- they're dirty cheap. And you can use Shrink to increase threat removed. When you exhaust your allies, you'll get 1 (Blade) +2 (Eros) +2 (Shrink) threat removed from each scheme. For Justice is nice, but in this deck with final setup you'll play One Way or Another whenever possible to draw 3 cards. Then you'll play Problem Solvers to clear side scheme, then 3 players will each draw 1 card because of Skilled Investigator. Both LdtL and FJ are more efficient if you're facing single scheme. But this deck lets your team draw lots of cards consistently on top of thwarting every scheme in the game at the same time. LDtL is playable every second turn at best. So it lacks that reliability. For Justice is good, but it lacks vertical scaling. You play For Justice, and with Shrink it's 6 threat removed. Multitasking is 8 threat removed with Shrink. (Shrink adds +2/+2 and Problem Solvers can go even wider if needed. In Multiplayer when you lose by threating out is usually because board gronw wide (additional acceleration icons and encounter cards from side schemes). This deck clears all schemes at the same time. Played it in 4 player game aggressively using One way or another. Still was able to clear more threat than appeared. And usually at least 1 player was in alter ego all the time.