Captain Marvel - Bursts of Energy (Legacy) [L]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3988

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con Version 1 (Cards up to a and including Valkyrie release)

She leads the avengers commando style, with this super fun heavy swinging leadership deck. Captain Marvel has the ideal card draw to pull of Sneak Attack shenanigans and she has the resources to also pay for the same expensive allies. This makes her so much fun in this heavy swinging leadership archetype. Yes, she cannot use the Captain Marvel ally or Summoning Spell, but I have other plans for this in this project. Besides, Carol does not need either to make this deck rock. Plus thematically, in this deck that focusses heavily on Command Team, it just feels right to have a captain at the helm. So let's blast of into the deck contents.


We want a lot of juice for this deck, so as (almost) always, I included the basic three resources. These, combined with her Energy Absorption are more than sufficient to pay for expensive allies when available or when you don't have a Sneak Attack in hand. The Power of Leadership is a nice bonus and always help.


Your allies hit hard and fast, meaning they are quite expandable. As a result, I have included quite a few. Most of them are optimised for high cost and high ATK/THW:

  • Spider-Woman is the main exception to the rule as she just loves to come and go to confuse the villain.
  • Goliath and Vision like to boost their stats high to get as much use out of Command Team in one go. For Goliath, the combo with Sneak Attack does wonders, as he gets discarded by his own ability anyway. For Vision the strong pool makes sure you have the right resource available.
  • Black Panther is a must to get the combo's out. His targets are Sneak Attack to help summon more or Save the Day when in a pinch for thwarting. Yes, targets are limited, but Captain Marvel cycles her cards so quickly that you will always see either in your discard.
  • Captain America is a great target for Save the Day, but with the high ally count, you can likely also get him on the field cheap with or without Sneak Attack
  • Falcon and War Machine close of the list with nice stats. The entry ability of Falcon is also great value for a sneak attack.


  • Captain Marvel's Helmet and Cosmic Flight are both nice to get out to get some extra bulk, but neither are necessary to get out early.
  • Energy Channel is good to get onto the field for any resource you don't need at the time, to make optimal use of your hand.
  • Enhanced Reflexes makes sure you always have for your card draw ability to search for the right combo's. Furthermore, it works wonders with Vision or energy channel.
  • Rapid Response finally makes sure you can keep your expensive allies you snuck in. Just remember, discarding an ally doesn't trigger it, so it has to be killed by consequential damage for this to work. Also works great on other targets that didn't get in by Sneak By, as the high cost allies are typically well-worth getting back.


  • Alpha Flight Station and Avengers Mansion further increase your insane card draw to see the right allies and Sneak Attackwhen you want them.
  • Command Team is key to play. Often it is most useful to have a few in play and activate them in the same turn for some burst with Goliath or other snuck-in allies.
  • Mighty Avengers makes sure you get the most damage or THW from each ally action and Team Training ensures you often get an additional high-value action (e.g. 3 attacks with Goliath through command teams).


The deck focusses most on the leadership events, as her hero events are just ok.

  • Sneak Attack is the key card to get the expensive allies out faster than usual.
  • Save the Day is useful as THW is slightly harder than ATK with Captain Marvel. That's why this is included over Go Down Swinging. Only included 2 copies as most often multiple command teams get more value out and often you manage to get allies to stick around in this deck.
  • Crisis Interdiction and Photonic Blast are ok for THW/ATK respectively, but often will be resources unless in a pinch for either.

In conclusion, the new leadership archetype of sneaking in allies synergises so well with Captain Marvel. It creates an extremely fun and unique leadership deck, which is not only very strong, but also easy to use.


Mar 06, 2022 Randito · 39

Bravo! This is a fun deck. Lots of interesting combos.

Mar 15, 2022 Michaelangelo · 3988

Thanks :-) Glad to hear you enjoyed it.