Vision - The ultimate Multiplayer bait

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Burdi_281 · 137

The ultimate multiplayer bait

Traduccion al castellano pendiente, que no me da tiempo ahora...

Ever since i saw the unique abilitie that Vision holds while on Intangible form, i thought to myself: How many minion do actualy have more than 2 attack?. Short answer, not many (Truth is that Michael and Caleb's trend lately seems to be giving encounter cards to minions each activation, but those are "rare" and far in between) So, a mechanic that seems not too explored outside of Thor and Valkyrie seems to be minion tutoring and stacking. Ultimately emptying all the minions from the encounter deck and stacking them in front of you so your allies can have a pleasent and calm way into the Villain.

So, i present my Vision, the ultimate bait idea. Key cards on this decklist? The one and most important, Vision Intangible form. Without it nothing would be possible. Then, try establishing a regular Vision board, Solar Gem and Vision's Cape, maybe a 616 Hickory Branch Lane and Vivian, even Quintransporte. Density Control are not needed untill the game has advanced. Once you feel like your board is solid enough, it's time to take advantage of this mechanic. First and most important, try atracting as many minions engaged with your fellow players using as many ¡Ven aquí! as possible before changing into Intangible. If you had set before some Al acecho, it'll help you weaken minions (It's not a big deal if you kill them but try not to so you can stack as many as you can).

Now, once you are in Intangible state, it's time to chill and relax. Cards like Buscando problemas help you control the threat pretty well, +2 INT everytime you exhaust Vision. Angela and Valquiria help you stack and weaken even more minions, while Throg can soak up to 2 Villan attacks if you think you can't soak up that much Villain damage. Lastly, Unidad táctica isn't super necesary but helps weakening even more minions, as you can play them in Intangible form. And Paliza does damage but isn't an attack so, good value for a weird strategy.

Yeah, so we've talked about an exploit and stacking things, but ultimately. Is that the end goal of this deck? Welp... sort of, but not realy. Once you've stacked 5 to 5000 minions in front of you and you're just ignoring them while affecting the game state, it's time to use those "¡Os reviento!" we left behind. By this time you sould had kept track of your deck. Having a couple of Solar Beam and Superdense Strike in your deck (You can salvage 2 of them with Density Control, but no more) is optimal. Then, flip to "dense". Draw your 1 card off of it and use "¡Os reviento!". Your hand and perhaps your board should now be loaded with 30+ damage!

So, that's it. That's the basic idea. I've tried it a couple of times in 4 Player games and felt realy powerful and fun. But realisticaly, it's just a Multiplayer strategy you can use to spice up your regular Vision build.

Arrojarse en picado was a card i considered, but since i don't own Starlord, feel free to swap it or just include it in your deck. Same with Thor, which you should swap for Spiderman. That's also up to you, if you need more INT, i would stick to Spiderman.

Enjoy playing this deck and let me know if you think it can be improved or anything that comes to your mind!