justice from space

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Randoom · 21

Justice deck for the season 0 solo league

the main idea it's to get the most of danvers AND marvel abilities to draw extra cards! so you can use Foiled! to keep under control your danvers turns and Great Responsibility to get down a litle the threat and you health if you wanna use your rechannel ability which alongside commander, gives you two extra cards!

In the other hand, the deck has many (24 plus 3 to use your Photonic Blast Energy Channel to make some blows.

marvel's defense it is not great tho. Thinking on that, I've added a Endurance and a Down Time to patch you up in the critically low health turns (4 from recover + 2 from Down Time +1 from rechannel = 7HP potion!).

In the meanwhile you get ready your big blows of Energy Channel and [Photonic Blast](/card/01013 you can deal the threat and minions from your not badly 2/2 and allies like DaredevilMockingbird and Nick Fury for tempo swings.

If you play in the right orden, you get a lot of draws, and possibly playing both Energy Channel and 2 or even 3 copies of Photonic Blast.

considerations: Quake for Heimdall; but with that draw engine, I thik you can afford to playing him Surveillance Team in orden to play more permanents, securing you to draw your blows. Maybe if the Foiled!/Great Responsibility don't play their part well enough could make space for 2 Surveillance Team and Concussive Blow or Lockjaw+Helicarrier (who doesn't want a double reduction cost?).