She-Hulk - Legal Defence

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ynni · 1

Brother Voodoo, acting as She-Hulk's paralegal, helps her mount an effective offence by searching the top five cards of her deck for evidence Events which she can use to badger the defendant Villain (Bait and Switch), counter statements (Preemptive Strike) before launching into further One-Two Punches, present her own leading questions (Leading Blow) boosted by her Superhuman Strength, and cast reasonable doubt (Momentum Shift) on the Villain's innocence. Once the case has gone on long enough, she can use her Focused Rage to bring proceedings to a swift conclusion with a hefty Gamma Slam.

To get her to that point, She-Hulk can also call on her own witnesses. These include Hellcat, Mockingbird, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Her witnesses on this case provide her with plenty of opportunities to stun the Villain as well as providing defence for She-Hulk herself. First Aid training can help her or her witnesses last longer on the stand, and she can Assess the Situation to prepare more evidence in advance of the next round.

When proceedings have been adjourned, Jennifer Walters is able to spend some time in her Legal Practice for some Recuperation boosted by Down Time, call on the Superhuman Law Division for help on the case, and maybe even fit in some Endurance training before returning back to the courtroom for round two.