Ironheart Turbo Draw

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schwall · 180

This deck is designed to do one thing: draw cards and avoid taking damage. Wait... That's two things. Oh well. It's fun!

Not a ton of complexity to these interactions, so this shouldn't be a huge write up. Moon Girl is the real star of the show here. Since Iron Heart is the only hero currently able to play Moon Girl from either hero or alter-ego, she gets the best use out of her, and this deck is designed to keep milking that sweet, sweet card draw action.

Pretty much, play her out spending all the you want/need to draw cards, activate her to get her to 1 HP, then play a Regroup, and finally, block with her to trigger Regroup to get her back to hand to play again next turn.

Make the Call shows up clutch for a few scenarios:

  • First of all, it lets you get around Stinger 's Avenger requirement, and Stinger is really just a warm body to power up Band Together and/or Strength In Numbers.
  • Say Moon Girl has ended up in your discard pile, and now you have a Regroup, well put her back into play. Sure her draw doesn't trigger this time, but it will once you get her back into your hand with Regroup.
  • It's also just nice to play out Nick Fury again for some more cards.
  • I guess it works on the other allies, too, or whatever.

Stroke of Genius in my opinion is just the best resource printed so far in the game, but of course you're gonna need others. I put in Genius for obvious Moon Girl synergy. The Power in All of Us is obviously good for the same Moon Girl synergy but also helps play Nick Fury , Avengers Mansion , Champions Mobile Bunker , Helicarrier, Ingenuity. And Band Together will usually give you at least two resources, but often three, which is great for, again, Moon Girl, or even playing a New and Improved.

Other Thoughts:
I like Teamwork as a method of exhausting Brawn to get his resource without having to activate him. This also works well with Strength In Numbers just with the extra benefit of getting at least one more card out of it.

I guess that was pretty long. Oh well, try it out and let me know what you think!


Jun 04, 2022 Master_GM · 595

I do like me some card draw abilities. I will give this a try.