Unlimited Ammo Enabled

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Unlimited ammo - Test version 0 0 0 1.0
Unlimited Ammo Enabled 0 0 0 2.0
Unlimited Ammo Enabled 0 0 0 3.0
Unlimited Ammo Enabled 1 1 0 4.0

Fromundaman · 112

The idea here is to become budget Ironheart.

We do this by cycling until we find Agent 13, Munitions Bunker and Shoulder Cannon. Once we have all 3 pieces, we simply keep activating Agent 13 to re-ready Munitions Bunker, allowing us to stockpile a whole lot of munitions at once then let the Shoulder Cannon sing! Everything else in the deck is there to facilitate this goal. Do not use this deck against villains with Retaliate though!

Other Important Card Combos:

-Call for Aid: This is going to discard a lot to get to Iron Man, or if you're lucky White Tiger. This allows you to either put your core 3 cards in the discard pile or thin out the deck and get you closer to them. If they do get in the discard pile, you can use your AE ability to get Munitions Bunker and Shoulder Cannon back into your deck (Although keep in mind it's 1 per AE phase; ability has an errata). If Agent 13 ends up in discard, use Make the Call to get her back out.

-Iron Man: Can also be used to go find Shoulder Cannon. Once Shoulder Cannon is on the field, I would not bother using him anymore though.

-Command Team and Get Ready: This is how you re-ready Agent 13 so she in turn can re-ready Munitions Bunker.

-Meditation: This just helps you get all of your resource generators and/or allies to the field. Keep in mind this only works for cards in your hand though, so you cannot Make The Call Agent 13 in then use Meditation to pay for her.

-The Power in All of Us, Quincarrier, Helicarrier: These are just there to pay for Agent 13 when you use Make the Call on her, or the rare times she's in hand. They are flexible cards though and can be used on other things when needed.

-Rapid Response: This is allowing you to keep Agent 13 in play even longer and potentially get a ridiculous amount of uses out of her per turn.

-Gauntlet Gun: I think this is lower priority compared to the main gameplan, but this allows you to use the ridiculous ammo you accumulated on Full Auto, Scorched Earth and Repulsor Beam if need be. In solo, you may want to put a slightly higher priority since Targeted Strike becomes more important.

That's the deck. Here's to hoping it works. Have fun!


Jun 24, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8445

I have been working on a deck like this myself recently. I've also added Ghost-Spider to fish out some of War Machines events after he shuffles them back in when Alter-Ego. Full Auto is basically free with both resource generators out, just needing a little extra ammo otherwise.

Jun 24, 2022 Fromundaman · 112

@teamcanadahockey2002 interesting idea. Who's the web warrior you use to get ghost spider in play? I'd love to test that idea and possibly work it into this deck.

Jun 24, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8445

You're already playing Make the Call so you don't need one. Web of Life and Destiny is always good too though.

Jun 25, 2022 Fromundaman · 112

@teamcanadahockey2002 Ooooh! I didn't think about using Make the Call to get around the web warrior requirement! Could I theoretically do that for any specifically traited allies? (like could I make the call in a moongirl?)