A Comical Number of Counters and Cards

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

Spider-Ham's ability to gain a wild resource is pretty nuts. He's pretty powerful when using Clarity of Purpose in Leadership... but have you ever tried him in Aggression built around accumulating minions in order to build Toon Counters??

The first step is to play Honed Technique and Follow Through x3 whenever you see them. Fortunately Ham has easy access to wild resources that helps with both playing and then meeting the trigger for Honed Technique.

The second step is to then find some minions.... in some scenarios, this isn't a problem. Angela and Looking for Trouble can also help to get a bunch in front of us. Try and keep any of the ones that only have an ATK of 1 for as long as possible, and use Bring It to draw even more cards of them as well Toon Counter generators when they attack.

The final step is to put a copy of Marked on the minions that you intend to sacrifice and then wallop them using No Quarter. Again, because of your access to wild resources, it's pretty easy to get the physical needed for No Quarter while also hitting a Mental to trigger Honed Technique.

If you have Honed and Follow Through all out, this makes No Quarter hit a minion for 9 with overkill, and you can then draw a ton of cards. Often, you'll draw another copy of No Quarter and can bring down another minion if needed even.

Because you'll be taking a ton of damage, Moment of Triumph is a great way to heal all this damage, as you'll ideally be healing 8 and drawing up to 8 cards every time you plow through a minion with No Quarter. I've found that the Symbiote Suit is quite helpful, getting Ham access to 22 HP so that you have more room to work with.

In an ideal situation, you'll keep 2 or 3 minions that attack at 1 in front of you at all time, just so you can play "Bring It" to draw to start. Then you'll hammer the Marked minion and overkill to the villain for 8, plus the healing and cards.

If you ever need to flip down, you have access to Confused through Swinging Web Pig, but you may want to clear the board of minions so they don't all scheme at once. This is where a copy of Dive Bomb can be used to clean up first. You'll have to go Aerial first using the Organic Webbing, but this combo sure comes in handy in multiplayer.

WARNING: Playing this deck can be a lot like playing Star-Lord... there's an element of pushing your luck. You should try and keep Captain Americat or Angela on the table in case you get hit with an encounter card that causes an extra villain activation. Otherwise, you'll want to be keeping track of your health closely, calculating how much the villain can max hit for adding on all the minion attacks too. I'll regularly start a turn with 22 HP and be down to 6 by the end of the turn, just to pull off a double Moment of Triumph on an 8 overkill No Quarter and heal right back up full again. I've also had many turns where I cycle my deck twice on the same turn, so be prepared for a lot of encounter cards in front of you :)

Other cards to consider include Hall of Heroes if you think you'll flip often, and Thor (Odinson) as another back up plan in case you get overwhelmed with minions and need an emergency button. I prefer keeping Toe to Toe in the deck though because it gives more options in my deck for No Quarter to pull.

Hope you enjoy this one as much as I do! Until next time Champions...


Apr 26, 2023 journeyman2 · 23935

Minion farming for toon counters is brilliant! Really cool stuff here. This might be one I pack up for Con of Heroes as my usual Ham deck isn’t so multiplayer friendly

Apr 26, 2023 Sluggie · 4

Have you considered Battle Fury instead of Toe to Toe? Sounds "on-theme" :) Becomes versatile to be another attack OR a thwart whilst still causing "1" damage.

With access to a reliable "overkill" buff for your basic attack, Huge Wooden Hammer: I'd consider Warrior Skill, maybe also as a Toe to Toe replacement. Also allows variable-micro-managing damage to hit the sweet "1pt excess".

Another management tool can be Gatekeeper which can give you some alternate cheap thwart boost to your Agg deck rather than sifting through the villain deck with Looking for Trouble for possible big-boys or none at all...just options and food for thought. I know you have thoughts of piling up a few/several baby minions, but just in cases where such is not the case.

Good thing for No Quarter is that it attack "an enemy", unlike Relentless Assault.

On a lessor thought, but worth thinking on: Aggressive Energy works nice with No Quarter, as you got the "overkill" from Marked. It might even buy back an extra card too because of that +1 damage - especially when your deck starts thinning out of non-agg cards. Good to see you kept the non-permanents (non-Agg cards) of such to a minimum for a No Quarter deck.

Apr 26, 2023 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

@Sluggie All of these are totally considerations and most of them have been a part of one deck iteration or another. In order to try and maximize the card draw from No Quarter though, I've tried to maximize any upgrades that aren't necessary to the core concept. Even Marked is dubious but it comes off the table quickly.

There are totally variants here though that can do what you've added. Thanks for adding some ideas that people can tinker with!

Apr 26, 2023 InigoMontoya · 4456

Thank you for posting a deck with No Quarter, Honed Technique, Follow Through and Marked! I've been playing around with this combo for 6 months, and have loved the damage and card draw. Great deck!

We continue to think alike!

May 03, 2023 Honorary Marleyan · 1

"...9 with overkill, and you can then draw a ton of cards" forgive me for not seeing it but how are you getting the card draw ?

May 03, 2023 Honorary Marleyan · 1
