Ms. Marvel - Fastball Special. Gravy on top.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10667

This deck is inspired by the Ms.Marvel / Wolverine team-up from the comics.

I was looking to take the dust off of Ms. Marvel and come up with an original deck. This is what I got.

Recur Fastball Special!

It's a minimum 6 DMG with overkill and piercing.


YOU CAN PUSH IT TO 18 DMG, boosting Wolverine and Colossus with Boot Camp,attack training, Enraged, Sidearm and Embiggen!. While this is theory, having just Boot Camp in play makes it a 8 DMG with piercing and overkill, at cost 1, that you can take back to your hand using "Morphogenetics" and play every turn.

Everything else that boosts it is just gravy on top!!!



Jul 20, 2023 josseroo · 702

I built a nearly identical deck to this one and then realized...

"The team-up keyword names two characters. In order for a player to include a card with the team-up keyword in their deck, that player’s chosen identity must match one of the named characters. Additionally, a card with the team-up keyword cannot be played unless both of the named characters (identity or ally) are in play."

And then I was sad.

Jul 20, 2023 neothechosen · 10667

@josseroo Hot damn! How'd I miss that? Well now I'm sad too...

Jul 20, 2023 Aizbaer · 1

This screams "houserule" to me ;)