Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Shazbahty · 580

Latest idea on my journey is this Captain Marvel/Protection deck with a SHIELD twist. I've said previously that I'm not a fan of the SHIELD package, but that was only for justice. Turns out there are a lot of good SHIELD cards that are basic and a few protection ones as well. This is a high cost curve but Captain Marvel has the money to spend and it gets cheaper as you play.

There are a few ways you can play this deck. You could focus on getting Agent 13 out to combo with Alpha Flight Station or Helicarrier. Getting more use out of her and keeping her on the board with Med Team.

If that doesn't appeal to you, you could go Dum Dum Dugan and crank his attack/thwart up to 6 using Government Liaison and Med Team when they don't have a target. Just like with Agent 13, keep him on the board with Med Team.

Sky-Destroyer has plenty of targets so will see a lot of use. Everyone already knows about Mockingbird and Nick Fury.

Bait and Switch and Ever Vigilant are there to help with thwarting. Preemptive Strike for some chip damage/defense and healing/card draw using her rechannel ability.

War Machine and Black Widow were included to be targets for GL and SD, but honestly didn't get much priority. With her innate healing and Med Team I tinkered a little bit with Fighting Fit but ultimately decided to cut it in favor of more thwarting. Also with 5 spys in the deck I toyed with Espionage and Target Acquired but found them a little to situational.


Aug 25, 2023 josseroo · 702

Although I personally love the justice shield shell, it’s really great to see shield decks in other aspects and taking advantage of Carol’s wealth to get all those expensive cards out is great

Personally I don’t prefer more than one Government Liaison and might opt for Build Support and Superpower Training to help you get your highest priority cards out earlier.

Aug 26, 2023 Shazbahty · 580

Honestly 3 probably is to much and you could by with 1 or 2 copies, because even with her wealth it was hard to get out more than 2 SHIELD cards per turn. This deck is much more of a rough outline than I usually do. I haven't really played around with PSS but I did consider including Build Support. I still think Fighting Fit is an intriguing option but with Photonic Blast and all the resources I could see not being able to hit the kicker. Quincarrier is a classic that also floated in and out of the deck. Team-Building Exercise was a consideration, could target Ever Vigilant but wouldn't work with Dum Dum Dugan.

But that is just how I like to build decks. Set up a frame work that I enjoy and maybe others but also be flexible enough for others to tweak. I always try to include 2-3 flex spots in a deck for that reason, though most the time it's an ally.