Aggro Wolvo for my GF

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cihs · 7

My girl friend said she would like to try Wolverine. So I created this deck.

I wanted to find balance of damage dealing and thwarting. Since Wolverine heals himself good and draws one card every time he takes damage I also put Looking for Trouble and Angela to help bring minions.

If minion's attak is low you can even keep him alive for +1 card draw every round.

With help of Honed Technique Uppercut becomes Swinging Web Kick. Clobber is pay 2, get 5, get your card back.

If you have Combat Training and Adamantium Skeleton his ATK becomes 4. After playing an attack event he gets +1 by Fluid Motion. Combine it with Smash the Problem you get 5 Thwart for one exhaust and 1 cost.

Enhanced Awareness is there to help activating Honed Technique. After The X-Jetand X-Gene that won't be necassary. Plus Martial Prowess will give another resorce for your aggression atack events.

I know many is against having more than 40 cards. There are so many good ones I hesitated about which ones to add/remove. I am open to suggestings.

Thank you.


Sep 05, 2023 Crowscrowcrow · 1

Well since you are looking for some advice on what to cut down:

-3 Smash the Problem It's a bad card that doesn't help you early game, which is when you actually need help. If you made it to late game, threat wasn't a problem to begin with.

-2 "You'll Pay for That!" Unreliable.

-2 Uppercut Yeah it combos with Honed, but so does everything else and they are better cards.