Wolverine: Berserker Sequence

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CardboardChampions · 323

While I'm not the biggest fan of Wolverine Aggression, this build leapt out at me while I was going through cards, and I knew I had to try it.

Core Theme

The core theme of this deck is simply making your attack events as huge as possible to dish out tons of damage, while also contributing to threat and minion control.

The core cards to do this are your upgrades:

  • Honed Technique... yeah I know - this doesn't work with his claws! So why is it here? The simple fact is, our goal is to play multiple attacks per turn, and we have a lot of situational Mental resource cards. This adds up to being able to get a surprising amount of value out of Honed Technique if we get it down early. If we can't, it's not a huge loss, as most of the cards that sport mental resources are in the deck for more than just boosting other attacks.
  • Fluid Motion will allow you to play an attack event, exhaust a copy, play another attack event, exhaust a copy, and then attack. Wolverine is uniquely positioned to play multiple attack events in a single turn thanks to Wolverine's Claws, so we might as well make use of that! An ideal but surprisingly feasible turn with a full setup in place could see you playing Clobber with Mental Resources, exhausting Fluid Motion, Lunging Strike with the claws, exhausting a second Fluid Motion, then playing Clobber again with mental resources, and finally attacking with other ATK-boosting upgrades in play for a total of a whopping 24 damage (5+8+5+6). Even without a massive setup in place, you can usually reliably trigger both Fluid Motions almost every turn, making them effectively 2 more cheap copies of Combat Training. While not overly insane without multiple readying options, this is often enough to put out some serious damage consistently every turn.

Other core strategic choices include:

  • Angela and Looking for Trouble are only really playable if you have something to do with whatever trouble they find. There is very little value in finding a minion and then spending resources to kill it for no additional benefit. Instead, only use Angela if you can follow it up with a big hit, a Moment of Triumph, a Precision Strike, or you know you have good odds of pulling up a 1 ATK minion that you can leave alive to feed your Berserker Frenzy, which is their primary purpose.
    • Notably, Looking for Trouble is extremely dangerous. Be sure that there's a minion you want to hit before discarding the entire encounter deck for no reason.
  • Welcoming additional attacks from the villain with Toe to Toe is usually a poor choice. It gets tons of value in Wolverine, however, as the damage will trigger Berserker Frenzy, allowing you to effectively play the card for free in terms of cards and resources, which will allow you to take care of annoying minions at low cost. It'll also mean an extra attack for your Fluid Motions, which is always nice.
  • Precision Strike allows you to keep yourself a bit healthier, while providing crucial mental resources for Honed Technique.
  • Professor X is extremely powerful, and should not be underestimated. For 3 resources, you get 3 thwart, a block, and a ready. Readying Wolverine when your Fluid Motions have been exhausted allows you to effectively get double the value out of them, so watch your sequencing!
  • Bug will save you from an unexpected attack, but his primary purpose is to help keep threat under control. With Fluid Motion emphasising basic attacking every turn, you'll be able to use him as a passive 1 thwart every single turn until his inevitable demise. You don't want him to go under the bus unless the attack is likely to kill you.

All in all, this is a satisfying to play deck that can put out tons of damage, while providing a bit more of a mental workout than most decks due to the importance of card ordering and sequencing involved. This can make it more or less fun to you depending on what you're into!

If you want to read about more of our favourite Wolverine decks that you can build with a few more packs, pop over to the article on our website or check out our Wolverine hero review.