You're The Magik That Holds the Sky Up From the Ground

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

citizenthom · 59

"Thom, did you seriously sit around refreshing MarvelCDB all day until they added Age of Apocalypse just so you could make a Magik deck named after a Ben Folds Five song?"

No. I also took potty breaks. I think.


This is draft #1 of my Magik Justice list. I'll begin live testing with my playgroup this coming week and making tweaks as I go, so keep an eye out for the next version(s).

Anyone who plays card games with me knows I love playing stuff from the top of my deck. There's something that just feels...naughty about it. Domino got close to scratching that itch for me in MC, but here comes Magik with sharper nails and a much better aim.

Then FFG went and made her a MYSTIC, and now we're cheating the top deck, AND looting for free with Spiritual Meditation, AND cheating hand size with The Sorcerer Supreme, and to quote the late Carl Weathers, now we've got a STEW goin'!

I'm on the fence between Justice and Leadership for my new best girl. Justice gets the first shot here. The reason is simple: Wolfsbane. I have rebuilt my entire Spider-Woman deck around Captain Marvel as a Sidekick, so how could I pass up another free-card-per-turn ally with the advantage of knowing WHAT you will draw, every time, AND being able to clear out the stuff you don't want to draw with Spiritual Meditation, Scrying, and Limbo?

Also, I anticipate flipping Magik pretty frequently to take advantage of her spell recursion which means it behooves me to contribute more in the thwart game. Recurring Zone of Silence and casting it for free is a tasty payoff for the Mystic trait, while Mutant Peacekeepers becomes an even stronger free option as we build out board state.

Speaking of allies, another draw for Justice is taking advantage of, and recurring, Exorcism with its Confuse mechanic, pairing it with powerful recent payoffs in Cypher and Float Like a Butterfly. This turns us into a Justice deck that can still take strong swings at the villain when the threat is under control. Dazzler and Banshee (now at a potentially reduced cost of 3) along with the ever-present Professor X add more Confuse options.

I kept in one copy of Basic Spell since it adds a healing option to the damage and thwart options in Magik's kit. It's underpowered compared to the kit spells and tutorable with Magik and Limbo so one feels like enough.

You'll note Build Support is not currently in the list, but it's replacing whatever else I cut first: finding Limbo early and often is a major goal for this deck. It also finds Stepford Cuckoos, a card about which I could write an entire essay (and might, when I plug it into my re-worked, much less lose-the-game-y Phoenix deck--IT'S PSIONIC YOU GUYS.)

This will be a work in progress and as always, I welcome all comments and suggestions. In particular, I'm interested to see whether the Confuse synergies are worth pursuing or whether I want to drop back into a more thwart-focused Justice shell.