Spider-Ham - Peter's Sweeter Minion Beater

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NelsonAllOver · 3764

This deck is all about using Porker's basic attack to trigger Blood Rage which nets him a resource via his ability and a card from Blood Rage!

So use Angela and Looking for Trouble to pull minions, Hand Cannon and Huge Wooden Hammer can overkill the minions

If you hit them hard enough (which you will) you can heal with Moment of Triumph

And oh yea, he's a Web Warrior so grab Web of Life and Destiny and have your allies draw you all the cards!

You can grab Combat Specialist with Specialized Training so you will get card draw that way as well.

And when you defeat a minion you can trigger Battle Fury to ready up and swing again! (Oh yea, that also does damage, so you get a resource for that too!)

After you have beat up on the minions a while, that will charge up Hall of Heroes which you can then flip down (safely I might add with Swinging Web Pig) And draw the rest of your deck

If you are running multiplayer, drop the Looking for Trouble especially in high minion scenarios.
