Card draw simulator
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Mzero · 3
Goal: Ready Captain Marvel as often as possible and draw your whole deck.
- By healing Captain Marvel with Med Team, Side-by-Side or simply with Sidekick and your REC you will be able to sustain every self-inflicted damage.
- First objective is to put her on the board. Suit Up allow you, at first, to search for Captain Marvel and Sidekick. Then you'll be able to search for White Tiger and attachments for Captain Marvel. I advise you to kill White Tiger as often as possible, except if there's some cards in the encounter deck to discard allies.
- Fully built Captain Marvel can have up to 6ATK 5THW.
- Be sure to take some damage with Spider-Woman as you won't be able to heal Captain Marvel with your REC if you are full HP. Don't defend each turn as you'll often be at 3ATK 3THW 4DEF with your identity. To take some damage Taunt is very strong, abuse it.
50 cards can be reduced up to 43 by removing Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, Helicarrier, The Night Nurse, Get Ready, Defensive Training and Team Training. I don't recommend to remove too much cards for a game with 3+ players.