Card draw simulator
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feendish · 1
Recurring Maria Hill is great for team players, but when you say things like "All right, back up, Sam. You're gonna get your wings singed" you recur Cyclops. The TL;DR is get a Command Team, a Rapid Response and your Shoulder Cannon into play, then get Cyc and one or two RR in hand and do massive damage, with some extra ammo counters perhaps the most any hero can do??? I have it tagged as multiplayer as I almost never play with less than 2 others, if this work solo let me know.
An explanation of 'recurring'. You play the same ally multiple times in a turn using Command Team and Rapid Response. The Cyclops ally ability specifies it stays in play until end of the phase, and status and counters carry over if you flip the villian to another stage, I expect this should too. (I haven't seen any rules that would prevent this from working, let me know if you have!) Play Cyc to make the boss take +1 per attack then attack with him for 3, ready him using Command Team then attack again for 3, defeating him with consequential damage. Rapid Response puts him back in play with one hit point, now the villian takes +2. Play another Rapid Response from hand, punch now for 4, defeating Cyc with RR putting him back in for +3, play another RR, punch for 5 this time, put him back in from RR with the boss now taking +4, then punch for 6 defeating Cyc for good. After the 21 damage just from Cyclops everyone else gets a chance! Having two RR and Cyc (or a way to get him) in hand is pretty unlikely, but having one is reasonably likely and scales great, and just the one on the table still gets good value.
If you have Cyc and one RR in hand (no other allies out) you can do 44 damage with just the 5 ammo counters, with each extra counter/attack doing +3 damage. That won't be too hard to pay for by yourself. All your friends will benefit from the 3 extra damage for each attack, so if you are not first in turn order they may want to hold onto their attack events to play out of turn. Playing Cyc and 2 RR from hand requires 7 resources so hopefully you can borrow some from friends. Managing that combo you're looking at 57 with +4 damage per extra attack. If you had 6 ammo counters on Munitions Bunker it would be 87 damage before your friends took their turn.
I've only played the deck once so far, never got Munitions Bunker into play, but did have Agent 13 in play when I hit the combo with only one available Command Team and one RR in hand. That was a 48 point round for me, plus I think 18 damage more from Cyc's bonus before the villian dropped. The 48 by itself is a lot more than I've done before, had Munitions Bunker not been at the bottom of my deck it could have been a lot better! (A meager 6 ammo counters more would have made it a 72 point turn.) Sandman had 5ish HP left in his first stage when the round started, he never got to activate in his 72 HP second stage.
Mulligan priority: Shoulder Cannon, Iron Man, then Suit Up. Getting Munitions Bunker into play early is great but I wouldn't mulligan for it.
A first round Suit Up can pull you Iron Man and Clarity of Purpose, then you play Clarity on yourself, flip up, take the damage and play Iron Man to get Shoulder Cannon in hand. Turn 2 you've got 5 ammo to spend, have an ally in play, and have shoulder cannon in hand, so you're off to a good start. You could also pull Sidekick to keep Iron Man out all the time, but you'd have to play that round 2. The other suit ups should be for Cyclops and Inspired (used as a resource if needed).
When to play Cyclops? Any turn you can spend some ammo is a good turn for him. It's 18 damage between his attack, your attack, and 6 shots each doing 2 damage, with all your friends getting +1 damage. This is without an RR. If you have Make the Call in hand you can get him in play out of turn order too! Try to make sure Cyc is in hand or play when your deck is empty so you won't have to dig for him again.
Command Team I like to spend as much as possible down to the one counter you need for your combo. Once on the table you can spend tokens out of turn to ready a friends ally, if you can get 2 or 3 more damage/thwart per counter I'd be happy with that. Holding them for maximum value you may find they just aren't needed/usable when your combo is played.
When to spend Rapid Response? Assuming you have one Command Team counter, spending just the RR on the table is a 32 point round with just 5 ammo, and everyone gets plus 2 on the boss. That's a really that's a good round, but not a crazy one. The more RR in hand the better!
Upgrades: Clarity of Purpose is there for a cheap generator and strong turn 1 pull from Suit Up. Inspired can be used as a resource after playing Suit Up, so try not to keep it on the table too long if you think you'll want to spend it. Since you're flipping down for ammo so often Down Time can be great, why exhaust to defend for 2 when you can heal for 5 and offset Clarity of Purpose? Upgraded Chassis costs 2 more and the Tough its plinked by Clarity of Purpose anyway, so not great value there. Once you think about recovering a lot getting Sidekick and another Inspired for Iron Man is tempting. You could probably drop those two if you want a thinner deck.
Pain points: Listening to your friends ask "Where are my chump blockers leadership guy?" and not getting Cyclops out feels bad man. My first and only play through I got Suit Up first round for Iron Man and Clarity of Purpose which was great, but then Cyclops and the other Suit ups were buried deep, the last 10 ish cards. At one point I had Command Team and Rapid Response in play, with two more RR and a Make the Call in play but I couldn't get Cyc into play. I held on to one RR until I got Cyclops in hand then the villian got wrecked. In the mean time I had got Professor X and Agent 13 into play for some thwart. I was able to flip every round and shoot off my shoulder cannon a bunch, gave Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion away a bunch, and spent Command Team whenever I could (holding one token for the combo).
I hope you liked the write up and have fun with the deck, let me know how it does for you! And of course poke some holes in it if I've messed something up!
Great deck!
I made a similar deck about a month ago as well:
Though, mine focuses more on allies and survivability. I usually use Call for Backup to recur Cyclops, than multiple Command Teams, but whatever gets the job done :)
Good job.