Iceman - Leading Snow

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

D.M.Tip · 1041

"A little too cold for ya, huh?"

Hey all! Here's a Protection Iceman deck that I've been enjoying lately. It focuses on boosting your ATK to take advantage of Leading Blow to get even more Freeze! triggers on the villain. So, let's slide into the specifics...


Leading Snow is Cool!

As mentioned above, the core concept of this deck revolves around Leading Blow, a card which allows you to ready reliably and cheaply if your ATK is high enough. Each time you ready, you can trigger Freeze! again which puts Frostbite on the target. The more you can Freeze! the villain, the better you can control the situation and protect yourself and your teammates. So how can we do boost our ATK in Protection to take advantage of Leading Blow without Repurpose?

The answer is to combine several cards available to us.

  • Ice Slide + Soaring Acrobatics + Synch + Cell Phone lets us get our ATK up to 6 for a single attack, which guarantees a successful Leading Blow and ready. It may sound like a lot of hoops to go through, and you're right. It is, but it's also super cool to pull off once you are set up. You also have some wiggle room to use it before all of these pieces are in play.

  • Prioritize Synch and Ice Slide, but be ready to protect yourself once you start sliding because you'll want to stay in Hero form for the rest of the game if you can.

  • Once you can get up to at least 4 ATK, you can almost always depend on Leading Blow to get you a ready, which will net you an extra Freeze! and sustain your reign of frozen awesomeness.

Other Deck Tech and Interactions

  • What Doesn't Kill Me is great at helping you Freeze! more while also keeping you healthy.

  • 9x X-Men allies along with Utopia grant you more reliable access to Freeze! and keep you from taking damage when you can throw them in front of villain attacks.

  • Nightcrawler with the X-Jet also give you an indefinite and reliable ready if you need it against villains that have overkill or scenarios that punish allies getting defeated. And in longer multiplayer games, this opens up the door to use your other allies to block for teammates and NC can keep yourself safe.

  • Do not give the cold shoulder to the THW potential of this deck. You've got 3x copies of Chill Out! and once you are set up with Ice Slide, Synch, and Soaring Acrobatics, you have some incredible flexibility to deal with threat as needed.

Let me know if you think this deck is cool, how you might tweak it for your play style, or if you give it a try!



Feb 22, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1939

Love the combo with leading blow and his freeze ability. Good stuff!

Feb 22, 2025 D.M.Tip · 1041

@Castlefrank47 Thank you! There are so many fun ways to play Iceman but I really enjoy the ones where I can Freeze! more often.

Feb 22, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1939

For sure, I typically run him in perfect defense style and if I don't hit the ready from cryo use Indomitable to guarantee the ready for hero phase. I like this one tho focusing on attacks