Man of the People (Leadership) V2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Southy · 340

Falcon: If you are lucky, it is possible to remove 9 threat with this card. That is just awesome. While it is rare for that to happen, he is still a solid ally though. Agent 13 is more consistent though, but not a Avenger.

Hawkeye: Any Leadership deck that is going up against Ultron absolutely needs Hawkeye, end of story.

Maria Hill: Best if you play this when you are the first player of a round to have everyone benefit. Otherwise, a solid 4 thwart over two turns for only a cost of 2.

Squirrel Girl: I didn't like this card at first, but it recently saved my butt against Ultron by killing 4 bots. Then, if any more come up, just use her 1 ATK to kill them off too.

Wonder Man: Only costs 2, but can technically cost 5 if you only attack with him. I usually just hold him for a possible big turn where 3 damage can either kill the villain or set up a villain death. And since he is a Avenger, he can increase your ally limit when played with Avengers Tower.

The Triskelion: A one cost card that lets you have more allies in this ally based deck? Yes please.

Avengers Assemble!: A very situational card. Don't want to play it too early, but also don't want to have be a permanent card in your hand. I usually try to keep it for at least 3 turns and then get rid of it if I don't feel like its the right time.

Get Ready: Only really use if you use Teamwork on the same turn.

Lead from the Front: While Avengers Assemble! is better, this card is more playable. Play this the same turn you get it, you always have another.

Make the Call: As stated before, this is a ally based deck, so getting a really strong ally back is always good.

Morale Boost: Amazing, just amazing. A +1 on each stat for the entire round is awesome. Maybe put this on the player that is playing Protection to give them that +1 to defend.

Teamwork: A 0 cost card that let you use your ally's ATK or TWH and they don't take a damage for it? Yes please.

Thanks for reading! This is version 2 of my Cap Leadership deck. Since Cap is my favorite hero, I will be making a new version every time a game changing card is added to a certain aspect, just so I get the most perfect deck.