Spider-Man - Expert solo aggro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10648

*Re-publishing with the correct list as the Wasp cards are now available!

With the release of the Wasp Hero Pack comes a lot of new and exciting aggro cards. I decided to try and build a solo aggro deck for Spidey, namely because Into the Fray offered a new way to make up for his lack of thwart capabilities.

What started as a quickly-built deck became an instant success: this deck has beaten every expert there is. Here's the rundown on how it works.


At first I was worried about Spider-Man' "1" THW and only having Spider-Tracer in his deck. Usually that means, if you're going to solo him, you play Justice. But, adding "You'll Pay for That!" and Into the Fray really helps. Also, I usually use Nick Fury, Spider-Man, War Machine to thwart as well. Combining Spider-Tracer with Into the Fray onto a low hp minion results in a ridiculous amount of thwart.


You don't exactly want to use Swinging Web Kick on minions, and Spidey isn't so hot on minion control. The addition of Relentless Assault on top of Into the Fray makes a solid combination against minions. Also, Drop Kick or Press the Advantage can actually help in that regard. Valkyrie was also included as a minion remover.

I've found that this deck has enough answers for minions scenarios, including Ultron and "Mutagen" that it beat on first try without trouble.

Damage and stuns

With Webbed Up, Mockingbird and two copies of Drop Kick, you can negate a lot of attacks and stun the villain quite a few times as you cycle through your deck. This was also the main reason to include Press the Advantage, which combines well with stuns and helps you cycle through your deck, and can be played for "free" if you have Martial Prowess in play.

Of course your main attraction is still Swinging Web Kick. Use Black Cat to ping off tough status cards.


Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier and Martial Prowess, but also, of course, Web-Shooter, help a lot in casting multiple big cards. Playing 2 Swinging Web Kick in the same turn is awesome! Martial Prowess really helps getting one more needed for Drop Kick or Relentless Assault, and can be used for Swinging Web Kick, Into the Fray and Press the Advantage.

Hall of Heroes for Spidey? Oh yeah! it is incredibly useful, especially in scenarios like Ultron, Mutagen, Zola. Ultron is most fun, keeps giving targets for Black Cat to destroy and you just reap the reward when you flip to recover.

Defensive measures

Of course Spider-Man is incredible at defense, don't hesitate to block! Most of the damage you deal is from your attack cards anyway, not your basic attack. Of course, Backflip helps, as well as stuns, Mockingbird, Nick Fury, War Machine all blocking for you too.

I included Endurance but left out Down Time - tried it once but it really is useless as soon as you have Aunt May in play.

All in all it's very fun to play and way more efficient that what I anticipated.

Have fun!