Thor - God of Hammers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sp00ne · 78

I have had a lot of fun playing this deck in multiplayer. With this build, Thor does what Thor wants to do do most, pull minions to gain cards, and throw hammers.

Step 1 - Get Minions: With 3x Defender of the Nine Realms, 1x Angela, and 1x Looking for Trouble, you will be able to pull a minion from the encounter deck frequently to get the bonus card draws while removing threat (except for Angela, but's she's 0 cost).
3x Get Over Here! will let you borrow minions from your fellow heroes. Between those 8 cards, you can pretty much pull a minion almost every single turn for the extra card draw.

Step 2 - Dispatch Minions: The ideal play here is to either dispose of your minions with Hammer Throw, or Into the Fray. Sometimes you will not have a choice, but if you are holding one of each, simply decide if you want to reduce the main scheme threat or smash the villain. With 3x Follow Through, you will be able to maximize your overkill damage and with 3x Moment of Triumph, you will often be able to heal significant damage to your hero.

Not holding Into the Fray or Hammer Throw? There are 3x Plan of Attack to help you dig for them.

Really big minions in your way? Soften them up with Thor's basic attack. Call in Valkyrie and have her hit them for 3 damage and then attack them for 2. Ping them with a Get Over Here!. With multiple copies of Follow Through in play, anything you can soften them up with will amplify the damage you deal with Hammer Throw or the threat you remove with Into the Fray. And don't forget that with Moment of Triumph, you will gain HP for each point of excess damage dealt.

Step 3 - Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until villain is defeated. Seriously. The overkill damage from your Hammer Throw will eventually kill the villain. The overkill from Into the Fray should keep the main scheme under control.

Weaknesses? 1 - Lack of Minions - A scenario with few to no minions will be a problem. Pulling minions to gain two cards, only to deck out the encounter deck might not be a good trade. That being said, most scenarios have at least a handful of minions, and that is enough.

2 - Side Schemes - While this build generally does a decent job of keeping the main scheme low, do to the fact that you are in hero form most of the time, and Into the Fray clears the main scheme, side schemes can be a hassle for Thor. I recommend that you play this is multiplayer, but your teammate does not need to use a hardcore thwarting Justice deck. Pretty much any deck that is not terrible at thwarting will suffice. Defender of the Nine Realms can remove threat from side schemes, and Lady Sif is very useful here. Plus, Thor CAN thwart if he absolutely must.

3 - Expert Ultron - To be fair, I have not built any deck that "handles" Expert Ultron. This Thor likes to pull minions one or two at a time, and finish them promptly. He does not like to be hassled by more than 4 minions at a time (who does?).

Defense? This version of Thor doesn't much care for defending. Thor will only defend if it means he (or his puny, mortal teammate) might perish from an attack. With Moment of Triumph, Thor will get plenty of healing, and once Thor's Helmet is in play, he is never in any real danger of being knocked out from damage. Another reason to take damage to the face, is that you will eventually want to flip over to alter-ego in order to cash in your drink tickets from Hall of Heroes. While there, you can heal for at least 4 with Thor's basic REC.

The basics of Thor still apply. You HAVE to get these cards into play as soon as reasonably possible: Asgard, 2x God of Thunder, Thor's Helmet.

Other cards to consider. Down Time - if you like to flip to alter-ego more frequently. I have not needed it for this deck, but I can see it's usefulness. Combat Training - if you want a little more "oompf" in your basic attack. Martial Prowess - who doesn't like resources and an upgrade that remains in play? Relentless Assault - overkill attack? right at home in this deck, but I would not include it without Martial Prowess for fear of missing out on the overkill damage. One or two more Battle Fury - you'll be killing a lot of minions, so why not? Honestly, if I were not trying to keep this deck to 40 cards, I would absolutely include the above cards.