Drax Tough Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mghouston91 · 9

Drax has been a character that as soon as I picked his hero pack up, I've been reaching for his kit quite often for games. He can struggle a bit solo but multiplayer can really let the Destroyer soak some hits and get tough with VENGENANCE!!! Ok so this is definitely not your typical protection deck and you can't just go swap in any other hero. They will fail miserably. The most important cards to prioritize in this deck is DWI Theet Mastery, as always. This has no limit per round/phase so you can abuse this. C.I.T.T., Drax's Knife and Drax's Other Knife are also useful while you're building your VENGENANCE!!! If you'll notice, there aren't any defense events other than the two Parry from his kit. Here's why: with Endurance you can get Drax up to 17 HP, not too shabby meat shield. Mantis, in my opinion, is one of the best signature allies in the game as she can heal Drax for a total of 9 (a whole 3 more than Med Team for cheaper!!!) Not to mention that you have a built in "Oh Crap!" button with Too Stubborn to Die. On top of that, there are 3 copies of this really nifty card Shake it Off which allows you to get a tough status card whenever you take damage. Perfect for Drax to just soak as many attacks as possible to gain VENGENANCE!!! Once your VENGENANCE!!! is maxed out you'll be drawing a card per villain attack so this basically bumps Drax up to a hand size of 5 plus his DWI Theet Mastery, baller. Finally, it's time for Drax to Destroy! Leading Blow combos perfect with Knife Leap to just obliterate folks and then ready to smash face again. It's not unlikely to end up with 2 Knife Leap and a Leading Blow to flatten any foe! C.I.T.T. really comes into play when Drax has all his VENGENANCE!!! and he's really hitting hard. I threw in The Power in All of Us because they work perfect for C.I.T.T. and our good pup Lockjaw. I threw in a 3 copies of Hard Knocks. It is a bit pricey, but it sticks with the theme of tough cards and can be very helpful in clearing minions. I don't include many allies because you don't really want to be chumping as that works counterintuitive to how Drax builds up. The Night Nurse can be pretty essential as a Stunned status card can really just ruin your day. I also threw in a couple Med Team just in case things get hairy while they are also useful in healing your teammates.


1) If I were to cut anything, it would be Med Team & Ironheart for Bait and Switch. Threat can really be a problem for Drax and he only has 2 threat removal cards, which are a terrible return early game. It kinda stinks that Bait and Switch is locked to the main scheme but that's splitting hairs. This also allows for you to possibly gain VENGENANCE!!!

2) If you don't like that then you could add a couple Energy Barrier to try and mitigate some of the damage Drax will be taking. Or you could throw in Preservation to help heal Drax while giving him some more resources and 1 Defensive Training maybe help shuffle those Leading Blow and Shake it Off back into your deck but idk how efficient that would be.

This deck is really top notch the way it is and you don't need to much extra stuff getting in the way. Keep it clean and trim so that you can see those key combo cards when you want to. If you end up giving this deck a shot, let me know how you liked piloting it!


Jan 09, 2022 TonyStark · 47

Glad to see someone else playing this! I run a very similar deck for Drax (completely Ally-less) and it's a ton of fun. Great unique play style.

Jan 10, 2022 mghouston91 · 9

@TonyStark yeah this deck has made me kinda fall in love with Drax. I do vary whether I have allies or not. I generally include Clea & Ironheart for cheap chumps, if you need them because the tough's can really boost that 14 HP, that also have cool an Interrupt & Response. And any deck I include the Power in All of Us I have to include Lockjaw. They also help with thwarting in solo. I agree with the uniqueness. Definitely couldn't just swap in another hero for this deck lol