General Hulk, Supreme Leader

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

[Tom] · 426


Hulk can lead an army!

No, really! He can be a good leader!

Ok... maybe he only throws his allies to the front, until he is ready to clobber the villain in the ground... but - it works! :)

This deck is fun to play: you will throw out allies, using them as attacker or thwarter, blocking the villain with them and pulling them back from the discard again! In the meantime you prepare Hulk for strong attacks with Hulk Smash or Thunderclap.

So, how does this deck work?

The Basics

This deck works with Hulk almost all the time in his hero form. That means, that you have a hand size of only 4. Considering this, cards should mostly have a cost of 1 or 3. The other requirement is the physical resource (), which is important for most hero cards of hulk - either as requirement, or to activate a stronger effect.

This leads to the following choices:


Adam Warlock - Cost 3, - while no big stats, his ability is perfect in this deck, since he removes 3 threat with a !

Black Knight - Cost 3, - De-Tougher and solid 6 damage!

Blade - Cost 1, - Great together with Make the Call! Since he will be discarded after attacking, if you don't pay, you can call him immediately back from the discard pile!

Drax, Groot & Rocket Raccoon - Cost 3, / - now, these three.. err.. persons are special. Normally you cannot play them with Hulk, since he is not a Guardian... but calling them from the discard pile circumvents this little problem. So don't hesitate to discard them.

Lockjaw - Cost 4, - normally, you will play him from the discard - which is possible basically every. single. turn!

Maria Hill - Cost 2, - yes, the wrong resource, but an ally with Thwart 2 for basically cost one - well, I guess she is an auto include in every Leadership deck...

Mockingbird - Cost 3, - the only way to stun! This is really important, and depending on the villain should be one of the main targets for Make the Call!

Spider-Man - Cost 3, - the best thing that can happen is getting Spider-Man together with Limitless Strength and two Get Ready on your hand... Still, Spider-Man is great because of his versatility!

Stinger - Cost 1, - the second exception from resources, but sometimes it is good to have some cost 1 allies in the discard for Make the Call!

So, with 11 strong allies let's have a look at the


Rather simple here, we focus mainly on allies, so we have to make some exceptions to the -only rule...

Get Ready is rather logical for 0 cost and with the right resource. The "leftover" resource can be used with Blade or Adam Warlock...

Inspiring Presence - not , yes, but since we want to get the most out of our allies, before they die their heroic death, blocking the villain, this is a very good card to do this!

Make the Call - again, not , but very, very important to play all the Guardians, stun again with Mockingbird or recycle Blade!


I tried The Power of Leadership and also The Power in All of Us - but they simply didn't work. So beside the hero resources, only Innovation and Strength are in this deck...

Support & Upgrades

Nothing much here - the only card, that is very helpful is Target Acquired, since discarding, stunning or exhausing can be VERY annoying!


Don't hesitate to mulligan hard. Since Hulk cannot keep cards as a hero, you are looking for his two strong upgrades, Boundless Rage and Immovable Object - after that, it is all about killing the villain, which is best done with Hulk Smash.

The Guardians (Drax, Groot & Rocket Raccoon) go straight to the dicard if drawn in the opening hand, since there is no possibility to play them.

Final Thoughts

I really like this deck, since it shows that Hulk can steer Leadership! It is in no way so strong, that you will win undefeated in a campaign and also Expert villains are difficult to overcome - but it is possible!

Have fun and SMASH!


May 09, 2022 Odunc74 · 1

Where can I find the ruling on the Make the Call card?