SP//dr Suit Prot V2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
SP//dr Solo Prot Suit 2 0 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

jones0610 · 3

My second version of SP//DR prot using most of the pre-con through Rhino/Klaw/Ultron so far using the Iron Nemesis Module.

Updates: I took out the three basic double resources, and placed with 2 Energy Barrier and 1 Preservation. Found I didn't miss the double resources at all!!

I was very surprised her 3 hand Hero limit has really not been a problem. Once you get her suited up fully, she is pretty powerful.

Overall Strategy: Suit up and team with Peter Parker/Venom

I went with the Med Team/Allies route due to Spider-Man and her Venom being such great allies to keep around. Especially if you get Venom mid round and could max it out to a 5/5.

Upgrade kit: I put in some of the cheap defense upgrades to help thin out the deck and get a little dmg/card draw/defense with Electrostatic Armor, Unflappable, and Armored Vest respectively. Along with the basic Endurance for health boost, and Unshakable to avoid any stuns/confuse at the wrong time. Although with her resets, most of the time they weren't an issue even without the Unshakeable on the board. Spider-Tingle was a great way to ignore those pesky treachery cards. And even better when one of the web-warriors was out to take the dmg needed. The rest of her interface upgrades: Host Spider, Psychic Link, Speed-Metal Alloy, and Web-Fluid Compressor are just self explanatory and so good. She was very flexible once fully upgraded.

Allies: With Peter Parker around and SP//DR fully suited up, I had no trouble using her basic powers 3-4 times a round and a few times maybe 5 times. Venom at a maxed out 5/5 was just a beast. Silk was clutch in getting rid of Shadow of the Past; Spider-Man was nice to throw down for a chump block and to reset a tech interface; and as always Nick Fury is just a great ally for card draw and a block.

Supports: Med Team was the other big piece of this build to keep Peter Parker and Venom alive much longer to use their great stats and ability. And in a pinch could heal SP/DR herself if need be. The SP//dr Command was nice in some uses to reset an interface with a card in hand that could be discarded, or in a pinch to draw hoping to get something more useful. Autn May & Uncle Ben was great in digging for those upgrades early and late game looking for the All Systems Go!. I think Ejection Protocol is the one card I might have put down but never once used. It being an action and requiring to exhaust all the interfaces she has was just too much most of the time. I would rather spend them for resources before I flip her to alter-ego, really wish it was a response instead.

Event Suite: Thwip! Thwip! Great card to lock down the villain and a troublesome minion on the spot. Limitless Stamina was nice to reset her and make double use of some interfaces after playing the best card in the deck All Systems Go!! That card's use to tutor for the upgrades in order to build you up early game, and then to have some huge turns late game is so much fun. Truly Go Time when playing that card!! Web-Trap was easily playable and provided a nice 5dmg with a stun kicker when using an interface to pay for, which was never hard to do. However, Rapid Deployment I just didn't find myself using all that much and instead just spending it for the resource.

Resources: Just the basic double resource trio of cards (Strength,Energy,Genius). Which was nice to have sometimes when Med Team or an early upgrade showed up, but really with her ability to produces resources from her interface they were not needed all that much. I'm almost tempted to put Preservation or Everyday Hero (since she is Civilian on her alter side) for a bonus heal and to have some wilds to make it easier to pay for Peter Parker. I had one time I used Energy and Strength and one interface to pay for him just to get him on the board. These are actually my swing cards right now.

Other possible cards: What Doesn't Kill Me for healing and more resets Forcefield Projection for mitigation and to combo with Repurpose

SP//DR has quickly joined my top ten of favorite characters to play. Which surprised me. 14 health.. nice.. 4 cards on alter ego side.. what?.. 3 cards on hero? Ughh a worse Hulk? Nope not even close..