Steel Beams Melts Jet Fuel

Card draw simulator

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HylianPanda · 38

Colossus has a 5 damage base for Go All Out so we had to do it to em.

Basic Go All Out/Push Ahead strategy. Boost up and blast up. What makes Colossus good at it is that he not only has a couple of cards to boost his own stats in Iron Will and Titanium Muscles but he also has MAD DPS and stun when you aren't ready to Go All Out. Bonus points: man is always tough so you're practically invincible. Lets go to the breakdown.

Steel Fist is a monster that stuns and confuses with it's damage. Easily the best card in the kit and this will win you games.

Made of Rageis your tool for minions or just big DPS. With standard stats it's 1 tough to attack for 8 with overkill, Titanium Muscles brings that to 9. 1 R&D Facility/Morale Boost/Moxie is at 10 so on and so forth. You can get this crazy high so that it is basically a second Go All Out.

Organic Steel is a starter that keeps toughs in cycle and you wanna see that online whenever you can.

Iron Will and Titanium Muscles are the cards you mulligan for. Iron Will is THE resource engine for the deck. If you open with it you are golden for the whole game and Titanium Muscles gives you 2 free energy if you can keep your toughs up. They also give +1 atk and +1 thw so that puts Go All Out/ Push Ahead at 7.

Armor Up is the card you use to fix your hand size. 4 hand size is awful, but if you go to alter you can Armor Up when getting activated on to get the benefits with none of the downside. Better yet if you have Piotr's Studio you can make the hand size massive. 6+draw if you stay alter + another draw combined with the alter ability to send a card back into deck keeps you cycling all the goods in the kit.

Bulletproof Protector can be used to combo off with Go All Out/Push Ahead or just for more toughs, With Iron Will you can discard the tough draw a card then ready or gain 2 toughs. You can boost up with Morale Boost/Moxie/R&D to a huge number then Go All Out and Push Ahead in the same turn with the right setup.

But all of that is just his base kit. We gotta go into the cards we added:

The allies are a basic suite. Cheap allies to pad out everything. We are running Beast and Storm which are a bit higher cost but Beast guarantees that Go All Out or Push Ahead is online. Storm balances out out lack of Thwart power. Chump blocking to keep though on is usually worth it.

Moxie, Morale Boost and R&D Facility boost our stats up to make Go All Out/Push Ahead stronger. Each one gives +3 to the damage or Thwart. Symbiote Suit does the same but is permanent and gives + 1 hand size and +10 hp. The extra card is KILLER on harder setups so use this with caution but the extra hp and card make Colossus a powerhouse.

Limitless Stamina is a MUST of any hero with 14 printed HP or more. With this you can combo off with multiple boosted swings after your Moxie/Morale Boost/R&D Facility or even pull out multiple Go All Out/Push Ahead in a single turn if you pull off the right hand. The best thing to happen to 14 HP heroes ever.

Helicarrier, The X-Jet and Deft Focus are great setups to help make up for your lack of hand size. A lot of the base Colossus cards are super powers so you can your reduction becomes great. Effectively +3 resources each turn when combined with Titanium Muscles you can get up to +5 free resources in a turn. Clarity of Purpose also falls into this category however it reads "Discard a tough status to gain +1 wild resource" Usually not a great trade however when combined with Iron Will you are also drawing a card. When combined with Organic Steel you are just giving up a counter to gain +1 wild and when combined with both you give up 1 counter to draw a card and gain +1 wild.


Oct 03, 2022 dr00 · 43990

what a cool combo, and there's so many readies to help capitalise on those increased stats!