Symbiote Spidey is back!!! (Final)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Draqiule · 116

Symbiote Spidey is back!!!

Hello and welcome to a control type of deck. This deck is not aggressive at all and that is the point of making it. I love playing a nice control type of deck in order to build up and crash my opponents with style.

First thing's first, we want to lay down our resource generating cards (duh!!!) but in the process of doing this we must struggle and get as many upgrades as possible on the table as well. Hard to Ignore and Armored Vest are a must on first turns but the absolute must for this deck to work is Spider-Man Noir YeP. He is going to be a 3/3 constant ally that heals all the way again and again through Med Team

How are we going to heal him again and again?!? These upgrades will thin out our deck so much that whenever you discard your heal card, well in 3 rounds tops you will have it again for Noir to keep removing schemes (as this deck struggles a bit on that point but only in the starting rounds)

Spider-man always draws a lot of cards add to that the +1 card from Symbiote Suit and you get what im talking about. Throw a couple of Spider-Tingle (and do not activate them early on if possible, allow Noir to steal treacheries) and you are ready for the combooooooos#@!#@$@!!!!!!

Noir and Spider-UK will always be at your stage alive as they are very important to the main attacking strategy of the deck. Now bring on our round and we can bring in Spider-man Otto (refresh in the process a Web-Shooter + draw a card), attack and kill him instantly (consequential damage), thus we get to draw again through Web of Life and Destiny . Now our Spidey has +1 to his attack at this point because a web warrior has left our stage through Warrior of the Great Web. Well then we could do this again then and bring otto back with Across the Spider-Verse -> refresh webs -> draw -> attack (die) -> draw and our Spidey has 5 total damage (because we have the symbiote suit as well.

Attack for 5 and thats it?!?! Nope, just ready your identity again with Tenacity and then do it again with another tenacity... And once more with What Doesn't Kill Me and again with a second one! 15-20 Damage can be good but not amazing however remember that you have not a lot of cards in your deck, so these combos comes to you every other round and you can add more to it with Swinging Web Kick .

Again this starts slow and as you build up your anger with your Symbiote, Spidey's rage is unleashed 2-4 times each round!

Tip: Do not try to beat the villain and reveal his second stage, lay out and build your stage and when you are ready pulverize him from Max Hp to 0 in one go then repeat for the second stage!


Aug 10, 2023 Marctimmins89 · 298

Any deck that makes meaningful use of Tenacity gets a heart from me. Bravo!

Aug 10, 2023 Draqiule · 116

Thank you Marctimmins89 and yes Tenacity along with What Doesn't Kill Me is essentially the tip of the spear for this deck! I really do love that as well.

Aug 11, 2023 IcyHaze · 67

Just so you know, if you use Spider-Tingle you can still take the card under Noir. Noir only requires the card to be resolved, and Tingle only cancels the "When Revealed" part of a treachery not the whole card.

Aug 11, 2023 IcyHaze · 67

Also note that Otto is a play from hand effect and won't proc his ability if put into play from Across the Spiderverse

Aug 11, 2023 Draqiule · 116

Hey IcyHaze thank you for the clarification regarding Noir. Also about Otto, yes you are right I realised that after some playtesting!!!