Hulk's Counterattack

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nman1115 · 73

a Hulk aggression deck that is all about using Counterattack to deal damage and "You'll Pay for That!" to remove threat. That is the main strategy with this deck and includes multiple cards to increase your hitpionts to help with Counterattack, those cards being Immovable Object, Endurance, and Symbiote Suit to get to a max hitpoints of 35. In order to heal the his points we lose we play Banner's Laboratory, Down Time, and Symbiote Suit to get to a max recovery of 9. Boundless Rage, Combat Training, and Symbiote Suit can get you to a attack of 6. Limitless Stamina is to ready up and attack multiple times a turn.

"You'll Pay for That!" works the same as Counterattack but remove threat instead (to a max of 5). Avengers Mansion can get you (or a teammate) a extra card each turn. Deft Focus and Martial Prowess can help you pay for cards (although one can be removed to get the deck to a even 40 card deck). The allies in this deck are She-Hulk to help with threat and deal damage, Brawn does the same, Marvel Boy by using a can gain piercing and remove tough status cards, Bug can deal small damage each turn and get rid of tough status cards, and Spider-Girl can slow down minions.


Aug 23, 2023 TonyStark · 47

Martial Prowess can go, since it only works with Crushing Blow. Otherwise I like the idea, I'll have to get around to trying this sometime.