Heavy Lifting

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

Allies are powerful in Marvel but are often treated poorly, well no more! Colossus has seen enough of his fellow workers being treated as disposable and had decided to carry their burden in this leadership deck.

The deck plays like most X-Men leadership decks to a point. Dig for allies with Cerebro and "To Me, My X-Men!" play them and ready up with Utopia. But that is where the similarities end. With Colossus's access to tough and his ability to have 2 at once he doesn't need chump blockers. So instead of throwing your allies to the villain let them show what they can do. Uncanny X-Men reduces the cost of the (mostly) already cheap allies and to give them another activation. Teamwork to get even more out of them and Ready for Action because you can never be tough enough.

Once you get into a good rhythm with Colossus you should be starting your turn with 5 cards and generating 2 from Titanium Muscles. Deft Focus helps pay for Organic Steel Limitless Stamina and Steel Fist which Iron Will will draw you another card.

There is plenty of flexibility for this deck. Ready for Action is included but by no means a necessity. It could easily be swapped out for Mutant Education or Danger Room Training. Med Lab is a card I considered but found myself using it a bit to much so I left it out. Deft Focus was chosen over The X-Jet for cost and multiplayer purposes. Though you'd have to work in Honorary X-Men to get the most out of it. "To Me, My X-Men!" and Utopia overlap so you could switch one out. Personally I didn't find much difficulty flipping down and with Armor Up I wasn't really hesitant to do so.