Black Panther's Inspiring Presence

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SoloMarvelChampion · 1347

Black Panther's Inspiring Presence

I've always wanted to use Inspiring Presence in a deck but never found the "right" deck for it until NeXt Evolution was released. In Black Panther - with only ONE event to get in the way (Ancestral Knowledge) - it synergizes perfectly with Gamora because she will either find Inspiring Presence (to "go again") or Wakanda Forever as long as Ancestral Knowledge is out of the way, and hopefully pop some Digging Deeps and / or White Fox on the way.

This deck is designed for the NeXt Evolution campaign (You can see how it performs though NeXt Evolution here) and the only scenario where you might not have Gamora on turn 1 is Morlock Siege, but you can even there if you have a turn 1 Maria Hill or Ant-Man.

I have a full suite of "support" allies to to keep things moving until you can call Gamora in a second time with Call for Backup:

  • Ant-Man has the versatility of being a 1-cost chump blocker, or a 2/2 with 2, 3 or 4 HP depending on what you can / want to pay for him. He also has a resource, so he can deal 3 damage to an Exposed Juggernaut.
  • Hawkeye is an old staple whose Response synergizes well with Black Panther to knock a minion's health down. This lets you (ideally) use the Panther Claws to deal 4 to the villain rather than "wasting" it on a minion.
  • Kaluu can search the top five for Wakanda Forever.
  • Maria Hill is Maria frickin' Hill!
  • Professor X Confuse or ready Hope, and has a hefty THW.
  • Squirrel Girl can knock a Tough off of every enemy in play when she comes in (a redundancy with Energy Daggers!) and can deal 2 damage to an Exposed Juggernaut because of her resource.
  • Of course you want White Fox to come into play with a Gamora attack or thwart, but you can use her as a resource or - while I've never had to do it - you can also just play her as an expensive blocker. Since Gamora WON'T hit on her while she's in your hand, you can at least make some use of her!

Some ally considerations for NE:

  • In all scenarios I'll mulligan for a 2-THW ally, and I get two shots at one with Maria Hill (preferred) and Ant-Man
  • It's important to have 1-ATK allies early in the Stryfe scenario because of an attachment that will attach to Hope if you haven't cleared Stryfe's Grasp, which will have between 14 and 16 threat on it - taking two turns at minimum to clear unless you get a great draw.

Black Panther Upgrades:

In addition to your Alter-Ego action and Shuri, NE also gives you access to Superpower Training and Mission Prepped.

Wakanda Forever!:

In addition to card draw from Maria Hill, The Golden City, Mission Leader and eventually Safehouse (NE), the deck has two allies to help dig for Wakanda Forever. The PRIMARY one is Gamora of course, but as mentioned above Kaluu might find it too.

Inspiring Presence:

Inspiring Presence could be replaced with Get Ready, but its healing property is why it's the most important card in the deck, because it keeps Gamora alive to continue digging. It has three uses in the campaign:

  • Heal Gamora and ready her, so she can dig again. Finding Inspiring Presence with her Response is almost better than finding Wakanda Forever because she attacks for 2 and you can "go again" to have another chance at discarding White Fox and / or Digging Deep
  • Heal Hope if needed in Juggernaut, Mister Sinister, and Stryfe
  • Heal Morlocks in Morlock Siege (as a last resort)

Rapid Response:

The obvious target for Rapid Response is Gamora, but in Morlock Siege having one in play to save a Morlock is huge too!

Endurance and Downtime:

While I like to include Endurance in many decks I've never actually used Down Time before. I like it here for three reasons though:

  • It gets you up to REC 6, which is huge
  • More importantly, it stays on the board and out of your deck after a shuffle.
  • Most importantly, it's a cheap shield for your Black Panther upgrades against Caught Off Guard and similar effects, and NE has a few of those effects!

Ancestral Knowledge:

You ALWAYS like to see Ancestral Knowledge in your opening hand or on the mulligan, primarily to get it out of your deck, leaving only Wakanda Forever! and Inspiring Presence events in!


Despite Black Panther having three Vibranium and Digging Deep synergizing so well with Gamora's Response, I still like to have a couple extra doubles because almost half the deck (17 cards) costs 2 or 3 resources. Since I have more and resources in the deck than , I opted to leave out Strength because the former have a better chance of exposing Juggernaut than it does.

Player Side Schemes:

It's important to note that these Player Side Schemes can find the appropriate card in your discard pile, making it easy to "recover" something discarded with Gamora's Response!


Oct 07, 2023 GrootForPresident · 28

Nice combo! Will we see this deck on your channel?

Oct 08, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1347

@GrootForPresident Yes! Morlock Siege through Mister Sinister are recorded and I'm editing Morlock Siege this morning. It'll be a Monday - Friday release like the others!

Oct 18, 2023 cihs · 7

Youtube link doesn't work. It takes to studio.

Oct 20, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1347

@cihs Oh no! I fixed it, thank you so much for catching that!!!!