Peter & Felicia - Marvel Team-Up!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rey Plays Games · 74

Underrated Ally

With the release of the new Sidekick upgrade, I wanted to allow Black Cat to shine as I think she is often overlooked as a potential game changer.

With only 2hp and very modest base stats of 1/1, the only defining feature she has is a consequential-less base attack. There's also the nifty ability to draw up to two cards (if they are mental resources) when she enters play, but I really wanted to exploit more her ability to be Yondu -like in voltroning her.

This isn't to say that it hadn't been done before, but with the likes now of Suit-Up and Sidekick, Black Cat now has a chance to hang around longer.. particularly since Spidey is no stranger to flipping down.

Side-by-Side also ensures that Felicia won't disappear any time the aim is to keep Black Cat out on the board no matter what, and build, build, build!

Upgrades Galore!

Nothing new here for anyone who's made a voltron deck. Same applies for Black Cat with the likes of Inspired, Reinforced Suit and Sidearm amping up her stats. Don't forget to play Honorary Avenger on Felicia when you can and in doing so you can also add Sky Cycle and Power Gloves to her...making her even more formidable!

Voltron-ing ....Voltron

A nifty addition in the deck is Target allows an armed Felicia to hit even 1ER cost, it's easy to bank and decide when you want to use it.

I've also included Leadership Skill as an option to further enhance Felicia. It's handy in that it can also work for Nick Fury too, should you need just that little bit more ATK or THWT from ol' Fury.

Fishing for Nick (and Felicia)

With only two allies, it's important to have ways in order to obtain them rather then just rely on randomly drawing them. Call for Backup can just sit out there, for the threat to be slowly whittled away at your leisure; Suit-Up in alter-ego allows you to find an ally and an upgrade (and as an aside, an extra copy of Honorary Avenger is included so you can use Suit Up to find Nick and just attach Honorary Avenger to him, to keep the other upgrades free for Felicia) and of course Rapid Response is included to make the most out of Nick Fury (again -you want to keep Black Cat on the table as long as you can).


I've chosen to pack doubles of The Power in All of Us instead of The Power of Leadership as it'd make it a likelier chance to pay for the 5ER cost basic cards such as Nick Fury and Avengers Mansion. Another option would be to have one copy each of The Power in All of Us and The Power of Leadership...but bear in mind if you get Spidey's Web-Shooter cards, then there should be ample resource generation to pay for 3ER cards.