Adam Warlock NOT a Voltron Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KakitaJamie · 348

LCG Discord Card Spotlight

Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy is a pretty explored card, given its age. You have the Iron Man combo decks with Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon. Then there are the Mantis Voltron decks for Drax. For me, I always want to submit something unique and Venom, Groot, & Nebula have all been submitted as of writing this list. This left Adam Warlock & Gamora.

So I submit Adam Warlock playing Ally upgrades as the original designers intended.



Guardians of the Galaxy

We have Build Support and the single copy we are allowed of Guardians of the Galaxy in the deck. Goal 1 is to get Guardians of the Galaxy out.

This is NOT a Voltron Deck

So play upgrades on allies to take advantage of the -1 Effective Resource (ER) that Guardians of the Galaxy nets you. Let the ally die. Get the upgrades back via shuffle or Quantum Magic. Play them again to take advantage of Guardians of the Galaxy. Adam Warlock doesn't have access to many ally upgrades due to his "1 copy" restriction. So I've included every good upgrade that can be attached to a Guardian ally.

Don't tell anyone... there are some Voltron deck elements

  • Bug is the most notable option here. His innate healing ability means that as long you Adam Warlock is attacking, you can keep Bug upgraded and in play.
  • As long as there are allies to kill Martyr could have a tough status every turn. Not the greatest Voltron target but could have uses.
  • Jack Flag innately lasts a long time if you alternate between THW and his ammo counters. Some extra THW and HP help elongate his use.
  • Wraith likes extra health to cancel more boosts.

Other Notes

  • Adam Warlock discarding protection cards heals allies to get a little more juice out of an Upgrade.
  • Render Medical Aid is good for getting some more use out of an Upgrade.


Drax, Gamora, Groot, Martinex - I lumped the Basic allies together, because its really hard to fit a ton of basic into a Adam Warlock deck. I went with Rocket Raccoon because he's the most versatile of the basic allies. In certain matchups I could see this spot swapping to any of the other allies.

Enraged wasn't included since there isn't Cosmo synergy with Adam Warlock. Also this is NOT a Voltron Deck, so we aren't going to run Cosmo.