Iron Man Solo Justice - Iron Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

McDeth01 · 26

This is my Progression version of Iron Man Justice with the goal of defeating all current Villains using from a pool of 50 cards. The forty cards attached are my beginning 40 card hand, from which i will either add or replace from these ten additional cards

Interrogation Room x2 This one makes it into my reserve list as it has been replaced in the main deck with Under Surveillance and if for some reason i find myself short on Lightning Energy

Concussive Blowx3 Security card I’m not expecting to need to draft this in but it’s there in case I need a change of tactic if i may need to confuse one of the harder Villains if the main deck isn't performing

First Aidx2 If it had a Lightning resource it would be in but Emergency has so thats the first choice

Helicarrierx1 Possibly should be in but for now it’s a substitute until i see how the deck perfoms

Avengers Mansionx.1. This one always seems an expensive luxury for me with this deck and it only ever gets used to empower aerial

Enhanced Reflexesx1 An extra Lightning resource if required

The Breakdown: As per most if not all Iron Man decks the main goal is to build up Iron Mans suit as early as possible. Really to the exclusion of all else. The only automatic non mulligan that isnt a tech upgrade is Under Surveillance. First run through the players deck will be aimed at gearing up Iron Mans suit to a 6-7 draw, thwarting and recycling the deck asap. Im not bothered about casuing damage to the villain at this point, more about dealing with any miions and keeping the thwart in check.Second run through should then be your damage dealing end game. Its possible of course to do this during the first cycle just more risky as a poorly timed repulor blast can consign upgrades to the discard pile. Repulsor Blast is fantasic in the second cycle as the deck has over 50% lightning resources its not uncommon to get a 7 plus damage per repulsor blast. Couple that with an aerial Supersonic Punch and the Villains phase two is short lived.

Tony Stark Absolutely use Futurist first turn to hopefully get an upgrade or at least a double resource. After that to either cycle deck, as the first run through the player deck has probabaly dicarded most damage cards to use as resource to get upgrades into play

Iron Man Probably 90% of the time use to Thwart, and with Arc Reactor in play thats 4 Thwart removed per turn. Only use to attack if there nothing to Thwart or as. Minion/Villain finisher.

Under Surveillance The introduction of this card is a no brainer for me, especially against low threat schemes. If it come sout first turn then its fantastic at stalling for an extra alter ego turn to build up Iron Mans suit, and if not, well its a lightning resource for Repulsor Blast.

Followed This one makes it in because it may be if more use against other villains down the line, but it’s a lightning resource and has useful synergy with the High Thwart of this deck

For Justice! At the moment this has to be a staple of all Justice decks 3-4 threat removal for minimal cost and yes it’s a lightning resource

Surveillance Team Another useful Th wart mechanism if you get it into play to free up other cards, but this can also be used to go Aerial

Emergency There’s plenty of Thwart in the deck so this is really here for its lightning resource, but again when thwart is needed cycling through the first phase it can be useful

Haymaker There’s better damage cards for the cost but it works in this deck as either a finisher or yes you guessed it a Lightning resource

Endurance i really like the 3 extra hit points gain for only 1 cost. helps maximise Iron Mans Hit points to 20, and of course a Repulsor Blast powering Lightning resource

Enhanced Reflexes I needed something with a lightning resource which would not only flesh out the deck but potentially help with resources. This gets the nod over Helicarrrier due to its lightning resouce

Nick Fury Always a great card if you can get it in late game, but it’s also an Aerial generator.

Daredevil A Great ally if you can get him out due to his ability to remove toughness etc while Thwarting. He's not an ally i rely on though for the deck to work. An emergency defender and taking out minions

Jessica Jones Again the deck isnt dependant on this ally but serves a great purpose should multiple schemes get thrown down, 2 Attack grat for helping with minions and a lightning resouce to boot.

Mockingbird Just the stun ability on this is phenominal especially in avoiding any late game killer punches.

War Machine Ill be honest i havent found a great use for this yet, although i can see it being useful against Ultron's drones. If it wasnt part of Iron Mans set cards its unlikely to be in the hand.

Stark Tower Great if youve missed an armour upgrade and need to recycle and even lets you use an upgrad as a resource as you can just pull it back

Iron Man's Suit

The earlier you can get 5 or 6 pieces of his tech upgrades into play the sooner you can concentrate on damaging and finishing the villain. [Arc Reactor(/card/01035) is one of my favourite cards allowing two Attacks/Thwarts per turn. Powered Gauntlets while only 1 damage per turn is a great toughness remover and you'll be suprsied at how quick those 1 per turn damages per glove add up and when Aerial even better. Top Tip :Remember an attack from one of these also will remove your Stun.... The rest of the suit is self explanatory

Damage Dealing: After your first deck cycle you should now be suited and booted and ready to cause some serious pain. Hence Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch. You can easily clear out or leve them on the last legs of Phase two of a villain in one turn. Dont be afraid to take out a pesky Minion with a Supersonic punch if you need to. Especially against that The Masters of Evil minions as that particular schemem ive always found irksome, especially with Klaw.

Villains Rhino Currently this deck has brushed aside Rhino Std and Expert with little qualm. Under Surveillance has been massive in allowing time to build up the suit in alter ego form. For the record i have not once seen Breakin' & Takin' stay in play to activate its extra encounter card, due to either Iron man's Thwart or a timely For Justice etc etc... I was even able to absorb an Expert Rhino Charge with Enhanced Ivory Horn and an encounter Gang-Up before finishing of the villain next turn.