Ready the Hangar Bay!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spider-Woman-UK is in the Hangar Bay 3 3 2 1.0
Inspiration for
Red Martyr 0 0 0 1.0

adsarf · 440

Deck concept

Ready for Action is one of those cards which isn't bad exactly, but always seems to be dominated by better choices. 2ER to block a villain attack is OK, but a cheap ally can do more for only a little extra cost, so it's usually better to just let your allies chump block and go to the discard pile.

KakitaJamie(, though, used Ready for Action on Spider-UK. That means that for your 2 ER you can both block a villain attack and do 4 or 5 damage to the bad guy, which is much more appealing, and better value than almost any ally. It's a good deck, but I thought it was too heavy on resource cards and didn't run enough aspect cards to really get the full benefit of Superhuman Agility. I find resource cards are a bit tricky with Spider-Woman because her cost curve tends to be low, and once you have Finesse in play you often can't use them efficiently. Cutting the resource cards also gives us a slightly thinner deck, so we see Ready for Action more often and gain a bit of consistency.

Card choices

Because Spider-UK's damage is dealt as an interrupt, he can delete any minion he defends against without taking damage himself provided you have more Web-Warrior cards than the minion has hit points. That saves every tough card from Ready for Action for the villain's attack, so it is worthwhile getting a good range of Web-Warriors. Across the Spider-Verse and Warrior of the Great Web fit naturally into any Web-Warrior deck, helping us get full value out of SP//dr and find Spider-UK if he is late showing up.

Hangar Bay is great with Spider-UK, letting him block two attacks in a turn so that he can either defeat two minions (without even needing to use his tough card! Using no cards from hand!) or block the villain and a minion if he is tough. These are all choices that KakitaJamie made too.

My differences were to bring in some player side schemes, such as Call for Backup (another route to Spider-UK), Med Team and The Night Nurse. These cards give me more ways to find tough cards and heal damage because you can't guarantee Ready for Action every turn, so some attacks and damage do come through to Spider-Woman. Just as importantly they give me more aspect cards to feed Superhuman Agility so I can more reliably thwart for 3 or attack for 4.

Playing the deck

This is a deck that needs some set-up. Spider-UK can't stop minions until you have plenty of other Web-Warriors down, and won't do much damage to the villain either, even if he's tough from Ready for Action. Early priorities should be Spider-Man Noir (who takes a long time to get fully effective so play him early if you can afford the loss of tempo), SP//dr and, obviously, Web of Life and Destiny. Silk, Kaluu, and Maria Hill all help you to maintain tempo during the set-up phase.

Once set up you will have three ally slots basically always full, so The Triskelion is useful to allow Spider-Man or Spider-Man into play. Put Spider-Man into play with Make the Call (which is also the best way to recycle Sp//dr), but play Spider-Man from hand to get his status effects.

Once he has collected three treacheries, Spider-Man Noir becomes a great target for Med Team and Render Medical Aid but I will also often use some healing on Spider-UK. It would be embarrassing to lose him to Concussive Blast.

There isn't a big, game-ending burst of damage in this deck, which is one of the reasons I wanted to emphasise Superhuman Agility and maximise Spider-Woman's basic ATK power. There's a good deal more than just chip damage though. SP//dr should hit for 1, Noir for 3 and UK for 5 before Spider-Woman herself does anything. Venom Blast and a good basic ATK should add 9 more. The end game shouldn't be protracted.

How to lose with this deck

There's an easy and obvious way to lose with this deck: choose a villain like Riptide with native Piercing! Tough minions are also a problem for Spider-UK, but rarely an insurmountable one with SP//dr and friends to knock tough off them.

Otherwise, card-draw is a bit anaemic until SP//dr and Web of Life and Destiny are down, so the early game can potentially be a bit challenging. Spider-Woman is so powerful and flexible with her own hero cards, though, that I don't think that matters hugely. Piercing is overwhelmingly the way to lose with this deck.


The key combo in this deck is all down to KakitaJamie and this deck isn't hugely different to their original, but the combination of Spider-UK, Ready for Action, and Hangar Bay is just so good that it deserves being run out again.


Jun 06, 2024 TrueHiddenMist · 36

I like the combo/premise of applying tough to UK, incredibly strong. I am going to try and sell you on the value of Ready for Action as a stand-alone card though. I think tempo for the sake of tempo is bad. Yes, you could otherwise chump block the damage that Ready for Action mitigates, but that chump block will still be available the following turn. I would rather sit on a 1 hp ally and block with tough, to get 2 damage nullifications in the long run. 2-cost for damage nullification is way above curve because what most people don't connect is that damage nullification is actually delayed threat nullification. The villain generally isn't going to kill you but he can force you to flip down, which then allows him to scheme advancing the most common/dangerous loss condition. Its not an exact conversion, but if your hero has 3 REC and you take 3-5 damage, I would value that as a villain scheming. So Ready for Action is incredibly broken from a control standpoint and should be in every leadership/ally deck IMO.

Jun 06, 2024 adsarf · 440

Hi @TrueHiddenMist. Thanks for your comment.

I don't think Ready is a bad card exactly, but for the same net cost you could play Maria Hill or Kaluu or Ironheart. Absent Overkill they will absorb just as much damage as the Tough card would, and they can thwart or attack as well. So even if you are looking for a control style of play, I'd still think Ready for Action needs a little help.

Jun 06, 2024 TrueHiddenMist · 36

Right, but the point is you can do both. You can play your cheap allies and then follow up with your cheap Ready after you use your allies initial activation, and then you have two blocks. Because while it may not outvalue allies, I'd say that it generally outvalues cards like Night Nurse, Venom Blast, Inconspicuous, etc etc... It's just generally undervalued.

Jun 07, 2024 adsarf · 440

I can't possibly agree with you about The Night Nurse. She heals three and removes three status cards! That's incredible value even if you tell me that you don't care much about tempo (which I think you should).

If you are really looking for a Leadership card that delivers insane value at a slow pace then I think that card is Quinjet. I did a deck with that years ago and it worked ok