Yes Pat, I'd like to buy an upgrade

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DBTubs · 19

27 upgrades and supports.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Let me explain.

Firstly, this is a bit of a meme deck, but as someone who has played it and pumped out 50+ damage a turn I can safely say it is SO MUCH FUN!

Secondly, the deck is a slow build (obviously. It takes time to put 27 upgrades and supports down), but Sp//Dr's thwarting ability makes it surprisingly stable. Having said that, this deck works best in multiplayer. Find someone who likes a justice deck and doesn't mind a long game.

Right, let's begin the explanation.

To begin, you're going to want to get your own upgrades down first to help in your resource generation. Psychic Link Host Spider Web-Fluid Compressor Speed-Metal Alloy. After you start, the pace picks up. Notice no resource cards because ain't nobody got time for that.

After this you have your support cards. I'm talking Down Time, Endurance, Enhanced Physique, Honed Technique, Plan B, Unshakable, Web of Life and Destiny, War Room, Helicarrier, Hall of Heroes, Crew Quarters, and Avengers Mansion. Aunt May & Uncle Ben as well as SP//dr Command and Ejection Protocol need to come into play too and each have their purposes mid-game.

Once these are down you go for your ally cards. You need her signature ally first, then attach Sidearm, Enraged.

Do not attack with her unless you have a First Aid to heal her back up. It's very annoying to have to rebuild her.

Ok, you're almost there. Ghost-Spider, Nick Fury, and Spider-Man are also good for churning through your deck. Use Spider-Man to come in, ready Host Spider, draw a card, attack, get knocked out and draw another card with Web of Life and Destiny.

Once you're prepped, get Jarnbjorn into play (using Enhanced Physique to generate the necessary resource. Also get Godslayer into play.

I think that's everything. It's difficult to keep track. You should have a base attack of 7 (if you exhaust Web-Fluid Compressor and Godslayer) plus 2 with Jarnbjorn. Your signature ally can also deal 9 damage if you paid for her using only your resource generators. And then you can heal her too with First Aid now that you only have thirteen cards in your deck.

A word of warning, by this point you should be owning, but you'll also be drawing through your deck almost every turn. To end the game you add Symbiote Suit and just embrace the chaos. 27 hit points, 8 (with Symbiote Suit) plus 2 damage, and three encounter cards a turn. It's glorious.

Let madness ensue.

A note of Solo vs Multiplayer Sp//dr actually has really good thwarting with some of her signature event cards. That plus her 14 hit points means she can take a beating early game, making solo aggression attainable.

That said, if you are able to play multiplayer with someone rocking a Justice deck then you can focus all (or most) of your resources on setting up. And that's where this deck shines.


Apr 07, 2023 journeyman2 · 24216

Just to clarify one point, Otto won’t draw you a card from readying Host Spider since it isn’t a tech

Apr 07, 2023 carlo · 1

But...why Honed technique is here? Its useless in this deck

Apr 07, 2023 DBTubs · 19

@journeyman2 yes that is very true. Sorry, I got a little confused when writing. I meant for you to ready up Web-fluid compressor and gain the extra +2 attack boost. Thanks for pointing that out

Apr 07, 2023 DBTubs · 19

And yes @carlo that's another mistake. I'm still new to deck building. I've since changed it on version 2.0 to not include Honed Technique. Sorry, it's a little difficult to keep track of all the upgrades and things and this is definitely an experimental deck