Vision - The weird one

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10667

Ok. Even I know this is a weird one. No other allies than Viv? No resources? What the...? Well, so far, it works! I just got through all scenarios from the core box in expert, with very convincing wins. I'm probably going to play this deck some more, but so far it seems like a good and fun one!

The idea is simple:

The combo!

At some point, you'll have a lot in play, namely [Forcefield Generator], (/card/31019), and Repurpose in you hand , plus probably other ways to ready Vision.

Flip to dense mass form, draw your card, attack. Repurpose your Forcefield Generator, you're now a 5 ATK hero.

THEN, play Leading Blow; with 5 ATK, you'll ready for sure. Attack. Then from the ready, attack again.

Then ready and attack as much as you can (Reboot, What Doesn't Kill Me, Ever Vigilant...) and attack again!

With 7 cards in hand (5 + flip to dense + Avengers Mansion), playing Repurpose for 0, Leading Blow for 0, Reboot for 1, then Ever Vigilant, you can get up to 5 or 6 attacks in one round (using resource producing cards)! Of course it depends on your draw, but 3 or 4 attacks is more than doable.

Don't forget you can also get a few attacks then complete the villain stage with Superdense Strike or Solar Beam. Also, if minions tend to accumulate (like Ultron Drones), don't forget Energy Barrier or the retaliate 1 from Vision's Cape work wonder together!

Have fun!


Jul 30, 2022 Brusc · 8

A "," might have infiltrated here: ...At some point, you'll have a lot in play, namely [Forcefield Generator], (/card/31019)... Really cool deck! Looking forward to try it out. Always on a lookout for true solo protection decks as it's my favorite aspect, for some reason:)

Jul 30, 2022 Alexin · 205

Perfect deck, very well designed. I thought the Repurpose engine would work best for Drax, since he can draw a card with every basic attack, but I´ve to admit it looks really solid in this deck. It is a pity the lack of card drawing engine in protection, and also that there is nothing you can do with the +2 ATTACK while in intangible form. Grats, nice deck

Jul 30, 2022 Alexin · 205

I correct myself. There is no +2 ATTACK while in intangible form haha. It happens when you have never played a hero ;)

Jul 30, 2022 neothechosen · 10667

@Brusc, @Alexin

Thanks guys! @Brusc indeed protection has become so good!

I think it works even with a weird design because you can buy so much time to prepare your stuff and still thwart in intangible form. At some point, I had to remind myself to switch to dense form and actually attack!

@Alexin Indeed repurpose is cool for Drax! I still have to upgrade my previous list for him and throw in 3 copies of leading blow, the combo with repurpose is amazing!

Jul 30, 2022 Marctimmins89 · 298

It's decks like this that make me come back to Marvelcdb regularly. Such a fantastic and creative decklist that makes me want to actually play Vision! Bravo sir.

Jul 31, 2022 neothechosen · 10667

@Marctimmins89 Thanks a lot, I appreciate!

Aug 23, 2022 dr00 · 43742

whaddya meeeeean you only have one ally and no resources? always happy to see builds that do something new and different. definitely keen to give this a go

Dec 05, 2022 AncientEpithet · 732

Love the deck idea and your choice to include Leading Blow and exclude the double resources. Thanks for the great write up of your idea and the way you steered the deck to victories!

Dec 16, 2022 neothechosen · 10667

@AncientEpithet Just saw your comment, thanks a lot!