Black Panther, Permanent Justice Forever!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Wakanda Forever and Ever and Ever and Ever An- 727 589 28 1.0
Inspiration for
Black Panther Justice 0 0 0 1.0
Black Panther, Permanent Protection Forever! 0 0 1 1.0

Vicious · 229

Black Panther Justice deck used in an expert villian and RoRS campaign run. Wakanda Forever! and ever!

I've played Black Panther Leadership & Protection, both of which are super good! I believe the leadership aspect is the strongest, and the protection aspect just fits Black Panther so well, especially with that innate Retaliate 1. But I wanted to build something different and unique, capitalizing on, of course, Wakanda Forever!.

The goal of this deck is to keep thwarting until all your permanents are down, thin out the deck and then play a single, or multiple, or all 5 Wakanda Forever! cards turn after turn! *I've only ever managed to get 4 in one turn xD

Why Justice? Because thwarting to keep the game going is critical for games played solo, and always very appreciated in multiplayer. The Justice aspect also has the most "permanents": cards that will stay in play, not discarded and thus, thinning out the deck for the other desired cards to be drawn.

This deck is a sleek 40-cards, of which 23 are permanents (21 Upgrade/Support cards + 2 allies: Quake & Agent Coulson kept on the board for synergy). That leaves a measly 17 cards left to cycle through, many of which you can draw into with The Golden City, Avengers Mansion and Nick Fury for 5 additional cards to your hand. (So, for a turn starting in alter-ego T'Challa, that'd be at least 6+2+1+3 = 11 cards of the 17 drawn from your deck! Espionage could trigger too if in play + surge). Once the permanents are on the table, you'll draw into loads of resources to continuously play your allies AND you'll find yourself paying for Wakanda Forever! with the double wild resource Vibranium.

This deck is not beginner friendly due to the finicky timing of flipping between T'Challa & Black Panther, while playing cards to possible chain effects found within the deck. For example, starting with a BP WF, managing the damage, playing Quake + EMH to thwart-6 off a side scheme, triggering Skilled Investigator to be able to pay and play out that final Wakanda Forever! from your hand to take out one minion without wasting any extra damage, to trigger Interrogation Room... ANYWAY...

1) I've learned that the initial mulligan is crucial. You're digging for Heroic Intuition and/or The Golden City and/or Shuri to put Heroic Intuition into your hand and into play as soon as possible. You'll be adding Tactical Genius into your hand from the T'Challa setup. Don't keep any Wakanda Forever!

  • Heroic Intuition on your hero, Black Panther, is your main consistent way of thwarting, in addition to playing out your allies to thwart.
  • The Golden City for card draw is incredible: 2 cards in alter-ego, no questions asked - so turns starting as T'Challa can get quite wild.
  • Use Foresight on T'Challa during setup to pull out Tactical Genius for 1-cost-2-thwart value, once its down in play. You don't want to play Wakanda Forever! first turn because there's likely no threat to thwart. Consider staying in alter-ego for higher card draw to get these cards.

2) Keep thwarting! And just as important, get down your Black Panther upgrades onto the table, because the 1-cost Wakanda Forever! is unmatched value. Also get 0-cost & 1-cost upgrades into play because they'll do you good. When testing out and playing this deck, to play costly cards like Beat Cop or Avengers Mansion early led to a slow-agonizing-disastrous defeat, so, order of importance with regards to permanents:

  • The Golden City
  • Heroic Intuition & Black Panther-specific upgrades
  • Helicarrier & Avengers Mansion if ample resources are drawn
  • 0-cost & 1-cost support/upgrade cards
  • Allies to thwart and to tank damage big incoming from villain attacks
  • Beat Cop cards, great but slow
  • "Enhanced-" upgrade cards to put them on the table, use them to pay for anything later

3) Wakanda Forever! until you WIN - if it's not lethal, trigger Tactical Genius last to thwart for 2 until side schemes are gone and main scheme is at zero OR if you're low on health, trigger Vibranium Suit last to have the 2hp swing.

Questionable Cards Explained, Synergy and Considerations:

Black Panther, with its Vibranium totaling 6 double resource cards, does not run into resources problems once in the mid-game. You'll be able to pay for all your support cards, and perhaps get some thanks from friends when leaving your Helicarrier for them in a multiplayer game.

In the campaign, I'll end up getting the +1 thwart upgrade (of course), thwarting and playing Wakanda Forever! until I'd take out the villain! :)

*God bless & rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman! Wakanda Forever!


Oct 01, 2020 Vicious · 229

Alright! It's been 10+ games with this deck: 1 one-handed solo and the rest 2-player multiplayer. They've all been played on expert difficulty.

Despite creating a deck of permanents to maximize Wakanda Forever! play , I was honestly skeptical because of my early loss with the deck. However, after changing up the deck to what it is now, I'm loving it! After tweeking the deck to the one posted here, it's really been working out =)

So, going back in time a bit, I started this deck in the 2-player multiplayer first, and in one of our first multiplayer games, we got taken out by the non-campaign Taskmaster (SPOILERS: so no "Basic Thwart Upgrade"). At the time, my deck had 3 Espionage & 3 Spycraft; their purpose: to be permanents to be played for cheap. After our loss, I realized these preparation cards were too situational (SPY) to be played, and I needed more thwarting power. So, I removed two of each and added in Quake and 3 Earth's Mightiest Heroes cards. Surprisingly, they've come in clutch and been pulling weight ever since!

My buddy and I have been victorious over every villain on expert already (except for that one loss haha) and we will be trying out the campaign on expert mode. I'll be posting short synopses of each game/villain as we go! He'll be playing Captain Marvel with this take on a leadership deck. Wish us luck!

Oct 05, 2020 Vicious · 229

Crossbones down!

On the last turn, we were able to heal up to full hp, 8 thrwart with 6+8 damage (minion+villain) from Black Panther -3 Wakanda Forever!, followed by 5+15 dmg from Captain Marvel.

We grabbed our respective upgrades: Captain Marvel with the emergency teleporter now (play minion+tough), and Black Panther with the tactical scanner (draw 5).

Here we go! The stalling Absorbing Man next!

Oct 07, 2020 Vicious · 229

Second scenario, Absorbing Man!

spoiler: we knew delay counters were terri-bad in expert campaign, so we made a point to take him out asap

So, on our last turn Captain Marvel with upgraded Iron Man + Maria Hill + Spider-Woman + Lead from the Front did 23 damage to a 32 hit point final stage boss.

Then, Black Panther heals up to full hit points, plays Endurance on Captain Marvel as a "heal" in order to up her hit points to one under maximum, and then played 3x Wakanda Forever! to take out a guard minion & Absorbing man.

4 COUNTERS! Not bad at all... It definitely could have been worse =)

Taskmaster time!

Oct 09, 2020 Vicious · 229

Taskmaster wasn't so bad at all!

spoiler: knowing that this villain didn't have any devastating swings or consequences on the campaign, we simply kept thwart down and took our time

Captain Marvel and Black Panther fully ramped, Taskmaster didn't stand a chance. We stalled, wanting to free as many captives, 0-cost allies, but the "Captured By Hydra" side scheme kept getting cycled, so we ended up only rescuing "White Tiger" (Captain Marvel) & Shang-Chi (Black Panther), AND healed up to full hp.

Zola, here we come!

Oct 09, 2020 Vicious · 229

Zola has been taken out!

It wasn't too bad of a fight because we kept Zola's minions at bay. It was particularly quick because we took out the final phase/stage of Zola at 32 hit points in only took "two" consecutive turns.

Starting the turn before, Energy Channel was used to deal 8 damage (32->24) to the villain. And because of the repeated use of Spider-Woman, we kept Zola confused for a few turns in a row, in combination with the "Shang-Chi" stun, we easily moved to our last turn.

On the last turn, I started it off with 3 Wakanda Forever! and a Shang-Chi attack, 19 damage (24->5), maximizing the Vibranium Suit to end the battle 12 out of 13 hit points. Captain Marvel finished him off with her allies: Spider-Woman + Hawkeye + Iron Man, ending it at a full 13 hit points.

Last battle for all the marbles: Red Skull!

... it'll be time to use our tech cards and I'm looking forward to it hehe xD

Oct 13, 2020 Vicious · 229

And it's over! The Red Skull has been defeated!!

The Captain Marvel Leadership deck did work... "Nick Fury's Fury ftw"... WOW!! In short, Nick Fury was played for the card draw, and buffed with Inspired, Sky Cycle, Get Ready, Lead from the Front, with the addition of Rapid Response, 12atk/12thw and then some more xD

In this game, we immediately used our TECH upgrades, Captain Marvel with the emergency teleporter now (play minion+tough), and Black Panther with the tactical scanner (draw 5). They were both quite useful in this last scenario. We were able to keep the sides schemes to a minimum and concentrated on thwarting while chipping at the first stage/phase of Red Skull.

The turn before the last, Captain Marvel took out a lot of minions and chipped the villain down to enter into the final stage (10+6+4+3+4= 27 damage to minions, 2 tough cards, 3 damage to Red Skull). Black Panther continued with 3 Wakanda Forever! for 20 damage to Red Skull with the extra 3 thwart, just to make sure we would stay alive and not lose to the main scheme.

After the villain phase, which put down a few more side schemes and non-guard minions, my Black Panther hand was weak, no Wakanda Forever!, just resources =\ ... so I thought we'd have to go to another turn. I was sorely mistaken.

Starting as Carol Danvers, the card draw was maximized, flipping over to Captain Marvel for final turn of 31 damage to finish off Red Skull, pulling off the "Nick Fury's Fury" combo.. yikes!

Overall, a fantastic campaign! The upgrades you get from playing the campaign do make each villain easier, but I only say this because one has to know how to play their deck, otherwise, a villain will run right over you =D

Final thoughts later ^_^

Oct 15, 2020 Vicious · 229

The expert campaign or any expert villain/scenario isn't at all easy... BUT if you're able to build a custom deck with a particular purpose and strategy: this deck, decks posted & explained in this website, including my buddy's Captain Marvel deck as a great example... you'll be just fine, and maybe, just maybe, you'll want an even bigger challenge and start tackling Heroic 1!

In the campaign, after you defeat Crossbones and Absorbing Man, the acquisition of the "TECH" and "Improved" cards makes playing through the campaign, battle after battle, much easier. For every villain, stabilizing after managing threat & everything else for the first few turns, fully ramping is important to do before the first stage/phase in defeated, and once that happens, the latter stages/phases will go much smoother.

For this Black Panther Permanent Justice deck, there are some critical changes I'd make (which I can't believe I didn't realize earlier...)

Why? Despite the extra late game resources the Enhanced cards give you, early game thwarting would come in very handy to stabilize. Come mid-game & late-game, Counterintelligence and Surveillance Team should be played, left on the board, and not be used. (Surveillance Team can be used twice to have 1 snoop counter remaining and still be a "permanent".)

Please comment below in if you disagree, but I strongly believe that Doctor Strange & Captain America are the strongest heroes, and the aspect of leadership is straight-up the best (cost-efficiency: best at thwarting because of allies, best at dealing damage because of allies, and best at surviving because of meat shield allies)... so the goal is to create strong specialized decks in themselves (that can hopefully take on Heroic 1 solo & multiplayer), without using the above xD

Until next my next battles with this deck! Best of luck!!

God bless & rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman! Wakanda Forever!

Sep 26, 2023 AjaxWrex88 · 1

The proof is in the pudding. The first time I played with this deck, I was able to get a win against Sandman. The Golden City came late, but I was able to draw into a second WF! and had a brain blast with numbers...I think I can win this turn. I did 5+5 for two WF! and beat that sand guy into dust. Thanks for the build, definitely my favorite way to play BP