Attachments, Detachments and Allies - Nebula

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hawkeye - Mockingbird Infinite Loop 13 10 0 1.0
Nebula Leadership Draw and Control 1 1 0 1.0

InigoMontoya · 4456

Detached and ready to go

"Oh, look...the villain can't do anything, and no one can touch me. I think I'll bring out Nick Fury for the 5th turn in a row!"


I'll admit I didn't like Nebula's character at first. Her attachments only last one round in Hero form, she has low hit points, low damage output, and not a lot of survivability. Or at least , I thought. So, I decided to give her the most stripped-down deck I could. One that would bring up her attachments as fast as possible, while also getting her resource generators out, and giving her a bunch of allies.

The other issues I had was that the only good decks I could find with Nebula had her building up all her attachments in AE, and flipping once or twice to Hero form for huge turns. Which while very effective is also boring for all but those two big turns.

This deck is built to keep Nebula in hero form for all but the opening turn, and the turns where Combat Ready pop up. Played correctly, you should have more than 2 allies on the board at all times (a lot of times 4), will probably have Nebula with a tough status card, and the villain confused and/or stunned.

Priorities and Setup:


You're eventually gonna have 3 to 4 allies on the board (With The Triskelion), and very little threat thanks to Cutthroat Ambition triggers, Allies, and Nebula's thwarting. So, once you're ready to flip the villain to stage 3, starting using Go Down Swinging on your 3 and 4 value allies.

One funny thing I've found is that getting your obligation once you're fully setup usually helps you. It delays your attachments from discarding, gives you the opportunity to draw 2 cards and play Combat Ready. All while hoping to flip and use Lethal Intent to trigger more specials.

The best case scenario is where you're using Go Down Swinging to remove the 4th Ally from the board. Then you just replace that ally with a new one.

Remember that Black Panther can pull a Go Down Swinging from the discard pile. So, you can use him once, and destroy him with his own card for 4 points of damage. Combine this with a big AE Combat Ready round where you flip back to Hero form, and the villain may die in one turn.

Card Additions and Replacements:


This might be the most powerful deck I've built. It's really balanced, and the villain has to do a lot to get you off your game. There's just so much card draw, and Nebula's cards are all so low cost. She's built for either huge rounds, or nice steady board control. In this deck, you can do both! Enjoy!


Dec 04, 2021 Azriel · 1

Hi! Very curious to try out this deck, I was wondering what was the point of The Power In All Of Us though ? It seems to have very few targets (4 cards total), which makes it unlikely to go off to full effect. Would replacing it with Band Together or Innovation, from the Mad Titan's Shadow box be a good idea ?

Dec 04, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4456

@Azriel Thanks for checking out the deck!

Since this deck is all about card draw, playing techniques and Nick Fury recursion, I find that I almost always have a use for The Power in All of Us when it comes up. Playing Nick Fury four rounds in a row can really happen.

If you need to switch it out with something, I'd go with "Welcome Aboard". Even though it doesn't work with Make the Call, it would help lessen the cost of allies like White Tiger and Ironheart whose abilities only trigger from your hand.

Dec 11, 2021 LordVader13 · 3

I've only played Nebula once and did not really enjoy her. This deck actually makes me wanna pull her out again. Can't wait to give it a try! Cheers!

Dec 11, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4456

@LordVader13 Let me know how it goes. This deck really made me change my mind on Nebula. I hope it does the same for you. :)

Jan 10, 2022 Saan · 3821

It gets you the special, and 2 cards for her AE ability.

Combat Ready doesn't fire her AE ability, since you aren't playing a technique, you're playing Combat Ready, which puts a technique into play. Kinda like if you have an encounter card that puts a minion into play engaged with you, you don't fire the "when revealed" text, since that minion was never revealed.

Jan 10, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4456

@Saan You're right. Thanks! I've corrected the write-up. It doesn't change much with her, though. Since you'll most likely have an attachment in your hand to get the card draw, too.