Telekinetic Blast

This card is OP 6 damage for 4r is terrible 6+X (usually 4) for 4r is awesome The only downside is you have to thwart first. Once you have defeated 3 or more side schemes it's an awesome card. Similar to web-kick and full auto.

The exact same thing can be applied to Mind Scan

ZaneBrick · 97

A very interesting and unusual character : no great starting stats, no defensive events, no big impact cards, a low-average 9 hit points, however... what a fun to play it ! Great job from FFG who transcribed a kind of carelessness and materialism in a fresh and simple mechanism / archetype : the generation and collection of the most possible types of resources to reinforce thwarts and attacks. Its unique signature side scheme (without Victory) can accelerate the setup in solo, and even more in multiplayer. Early game may be fragile or slow in true solo, but in Protection (with Nightcrawler that synergizes well with her hero's ability, and cards that compensate for her low survivability), and in Justice, there are so many means to allow her to shine ! Multitalented is an auto-include for her.

Troglo · 9
Rocket Raccoon

One of the most fun crazy heroes of the game. Obviously he shines against minions heavy scenarios. He is versatile too with many basic power boosts for thwarting and attacking. Great to play in Protection with "Come Get Me, Bub!", Ever Vigilant (thanks to Thruster Boots) and Repurpose that recycles or does the turn-over of TECH upgrades in play. Do not forget to add Groot and Flora and Fauna, to it.

Troglo · 9
Won't Stay Down

This is a fair card, but it compares poorly to Make the Call, admittedly one of the best non-hero cards in the game. There are two theoretical advantages. One is that you can activate abilities of allies that only trigger when played from hand such as Beak and Shadowcat. Another is that this is a support which can sit in play until the perfect moment - something that is always an advantage of upgrades/supports compared to events with similar effects. Neither of these points would lead me to play copies of Won't Stay Down over Make the Call, but if I'm already playing 3 Make the Call, ally recursion is a strong enough effect to play a copy or two - finding Professor X or M at the perfect moment, for example. Sunspot is another interesting ally who is one of few payoffs for a -based deck and only gets his ability when played from hand. Won't Stay Down doesn't have an energy resource, which might be a deal-breaker for the strategy, but this deck would theoretically want to play Sunspot as many times as possible.

Stretch22 · 835
I should mention Cyclops gets better options for allies that only trigger from hand since you aren't limited to Leadership and Basic. Sunfire, Magik, and Karma are all excellent examples — Stretch22 · 835
Team Investigation

This is not a dead card. It clears almost all player side schemes in the game. And it scales to multiplayer. In a multiplayer game you can play Build Support or Superpower Training and on the same turn clear it allowing everyone to tutor out a powerful support/identity upgrade. For perspective the equivalent would be like if every player in that game had a For Justice in hand and played it as a request action.

I think in solo this card is a weaker For Justice because it lacks the bonus +1 opportunity but if you are really needing extra THW like in a Sinister Six matchup and have already slotted in x3 For Justice, it isn’t the worst thing in the world.

jodys · 2