Homeland Intervention

Sometimes it's better to not use ally (in the next turn prepare for blocking) or even hero. From solo perspective if you can remove scheme by one card, this is very good. What's more 6 threat on one scheme is very rarely (but for example Under Pressure in campaign got 6 threat). In term of effiency this is 1 card per 2 thwart (+ exhaust). In justice this is not as much exciting, but in multi-aspect build this can really help.

New expanions on horizon (Agents of Shield) probably will raise potential of this card even more.

Solo this card is (A-C) B+ In multiplayer B-

nosiak · 68



M is one of my favorite allies from the Magneto hero pack. Abilities aside, she provides acceptable value from thwarting 3 times then blocking. Her Enters Play ability is similar to Valkyrie, killing a 3 health or less minion in play (even bypassing Tough statuses). Although it won't always have a target, I love having this ability within my toolbox of allies for cards like Make the Call, Cerebro, or Call for Backup that always help us find the perfect ally for the moment. If we can upgrade her hp with Uncanny X-Men or Team Training (cards that are totally fine to play on their own), she can take out even bigger minions!

The 3 ATK stat also presents some interesting possibilities. It's probably worse on average than 2 ATK with only 1 consequential damage, but effects like Teamwork or Mass Attack that ignore the consequential damage will benefit from her. She can also use it on her last hp where the second consequential damage isn't as awkward, or it can be a tempo boost when needed if you need to prioritize that over efficiency.

Lastly, M has two great traits: Psionic and X-Men. She's a fantastic hit for "To Me, My X-Men!", turns Cerebro into a full-deck search, can be played by Psionic decks using The Power of the Mind and Psimitar, and has the many benefits of being an X-Men. Maybe not quite a staple-level card due to the abundance of great allies and need to have a minion in play, but extremely strong, especially in Trait-focused decks.

Stretch22 · 764
She pairs very nicely with "You Got This" as well, especially if you have Magento's Cape on the board. — RagingBull888 · 27
Organic Steel

When you use the 2 steel counters, does the card stay in play or it's dicarded?

Valniir · 1
Discarded. See Rules Reference 1.6 - "Uses" — Stretch22 · 764
The Uses keyword means it is discarded after all counters have been removed. — Cameson · 7
Dark Design

Note to the admins of MarvelCDB: The title of the card in the screenshot is "Dark Designs" (plural) but the title of the card on MarvelCDB is "Dark Design" (singular). Feel free to remove this review if this has been fixed.


If SP//dr is set up, she can deal with 4- or 6-health enemies no problem (basic attack with Web-Fluid Compressor for 4, ready with Host Spider, basic attack again for 2). But if she's not set up, then M.O.R.B.I.U.S. is going to sting, because playing anything that can deal with M.O.R.B.I.U.S. is likely to cost at least 2, meaning SP//dr will take at least 2 damage; but then again, she has 14 HP so that's not too bad.

Some rules notes to keep in mind:

  • Paying for cards by spending other cards does count as generating resources, so it's not just using Sync Ratio that will cause M.O.R.B.I.U.S. to hurt you.
  • M.O.R.B.I.U.S. says "after the engaged hero," so it only damages the engaged player if they are in hero form. If you play something in alter ego form then M.O.R.B.I.U.S. won't hurt you.