
IMPORTANT to remember when building a Magik deck.

Her ability triggers once each PHASE (not round)

extremely useful for responses during villain phase. As you can use defense cards on top deck. Makes getting Limbo out even more important

ZaneBrick · 94
Defensive Energy

An auto-include card in many Protection decks and a combo card that synergizes well with Magik in Protection aspect : with her hero's ability, Mutant Protectors or Magic Barrier + Defensive Energy flexibilize / accelerate the setup or the drawing in order to increase the odds for an or resource icon.

Troglo · 10

I reached out to FFG. the reply e-mail said this "The star icon on Tweedledope was a mistake; it should instead be a single boost icon. Please treat it as such when you play." Hopefully this helps anyone who is looking for the answer to why this has a boost. Edit. Thanks to the site for adding a "boost" icon to this card so that all the people with the mistake can view the real text.

ZaneBrick · 94

In a x-men Deck, with the good training it's 4 damages (and even more) 3 times and a trash. Good value for money. it seems it's writting " put in cyclope deck please"

Lad · 2

A card included in the Cyclops's pack, that serves the tactical Cyclops theme, and works well with him as the X-MEN character target generally. As a hero natively, or as an alter-ego after attaching Honorary X-Men to him, and using it in combo with Meditation.

Troglo · 10